Thai woman reveals abusive boyfriend’s horrific cat killing incident

In a recent case of extreme cruelty, a woman, known only as A, revealed her shocking breakup story. The split followed a series of violent acts by her boyfriend, which escalated to include the cold-blooded killing of a stray cat, all recorded on camera.
The woman disclosed the details of her emotionally strained relationship, explaining that she’d been with her partner for four years. The pair, not legally married, share a child together. She said that her partner habitually displayed a temper, physically harming her through pushes and shoves, including once killing a stray cat and filming it. She tolerated the violence and abuse for too long, against her better judgement.
Her boyfriend frequently picked fights over petty issues, including the hours she worked late into the evening. Once it got late and she still wasn’t home, he would grill her for working late without informing him.
A decision to end the relationship was triggered by a recent violent encounter on August 5 in which she suffered severe physical abuse that left her with facial swelling and bruising on the arm. Consequently, she reported the incident to the Nong Khai City Police Station in Nong Khai province.
She posted about her boyfriend using an iron rod in the killing of a stray cat, an incident that occurred back in April 2023. The tormented feline, often sneaking into their home to feast on food, was beaten until its back broke. As the cat writhed in pain, the boyfriend found cruelty entertaining enough to film the scene and send it to his girlfriend. He narrated the video with gut-wrenchingly heartless commentary.
“See, the cat’s eyeballs are almost popping out of the socket.”
In his defence, he admitted to the killing and justified it because the stray cat had once bitten their house pet. Appalled by the horrible act, the abused woman, who also raised two cats at home, couldn’t imagine her partner stooping to such measures.
In the past, whenever she suffered physical abuse, he would beg for forgiveness. Yet, this time, the acts exceeded her tolerance level, and forgiveness was no longer enough. She is now looking for a new place to settle with her child, fearing safety concerns if her offspring were to stay with the father. She publicised the issue in an effort to speed progress in the legal case and said she couldn’t bear his behaviour anymore.