Former massage parlour boss arrested on sex trafficking charges after 5 years on the run

The 2016 raid on Nataree Massage in Bangkok. PHOTO: Twitter/@adventurabeer

A massage parlour boss has been arrested on charges of sex trafficking and child prostitution, after evading police for 5 years. Nation Thailand reports that 63 year old Prasert Sukkhee, the former owner of the Nataree massage parlour, was arrested by anti-people trafficking officers in the Bangkok Noi district of the capital.

The case against Prasert dates back to 2016, when police in the district of Huai Khwang raided the massage parlour, following a report filed by anti-sex trafficking NGO, Lift International, then known as Nvader. Officers discovered children under the age of 18 being used for prostitution. Prasert was charged with child prostitution, employing workers under the age of 15, housing illegal migrant workers, money laundering, and illegally running a massage parlour. He subsequently went on the run.

SOURCE: Nation Thailand

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Maya Taylor

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