Thai teacher gives “ugly” haircut as punishment for student’s long hair

A Thai teacher has reportedly angered a student’s mother after cutting her daughter’s hair when she showed up to school with long hair which, until recently, was against government school rules. The mother says her child was given the “ugly” haircut as a punishment in front of her peers and says the teacher was trying to humiliate the girl.
Education authorities yesterday pledged to look into the incident and say they will meet with the school administrators and the student’s parents tomorrow to resolve the issue. Until recently, students attending government schools were required to cut their hair short, but Chuchart Kaewnok, director of Secondary Educational Service Area Office 28, says the regulation has been revised.
He says students are now allowed to wear their hair long but must keep it neat and tidy. Regardless, the mother says the school should have talked to the parents first before doing such an act. The incident happened at Yang Chum Noi Phitthayakhom School in Si Sa Ket’s Yang Chum Noi district in Thailand’s east. Chuchart says he responded to the mother who lashed out on Facebook at her daughter’s teachers.
The Education Ministry has revised its rules for students’ hair, saying both male and female students may wear their hair long or short. But for male students, their hair must not extend beyond the back of their necks. Females don’t have a length limit but must tie their hair back properly.
SOURCE: Bangkok Post
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