How to be a morning person

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Interestingly, our inclinations towards being morning larks or night owls are firmly grounded in our genetics. It’s projected that merely 10% of us are innately attuned to the mornings, and a modest 20% are naturally nocturnal. Yet, this is no cause for succumbing to despair. The abundant remainder of us—precisely 70%—is posited to have a greater adaptability towards altering our sleep patterns.

If the thought of undergoing this transformation stirs you, bear in mind that even negligible modifications can contribute to a substantial change. Rousing yourself an hour earlier can cascade into a feeling of tranquillity, improved slumbers at night, and a rejuvenated morning vitality. So, are you prepared to welcome the first rays of the morning.


Understanding your sleep pattern

Understanding your sleep pattern plays a crucial part in becoming a morning person. It’s not just about forcing your eyelids open when the alarm sounds; it’s about aligning your body’s system to the new order of time through adapting your circadian rhythm and understanding your chronotype.

The role of chronotypes

Chronotypes dictate when you feel the most awake and when you desire to sleep the most. Basically, they compose your body’s internal clock, influencing each individual’s respective sleep-wake cycle. It’s what makes each one of us inclined to naturally wake up at a particular time without the need for pesky alarms. Yet, one’s chronotype remains beyond personal choice, partly based on genetics. Identifying whether you are inherently a morning person or an evening person assists in adapting sleep habits with less struggle.

Adjusting your circadian rhythm

The circadian rhythm, often referred to as the body clock, can largely affect your goal of becoming a morning person. This internal system regulates your sleepiness and alertness across a 24-hour period. Adjusting this allows for changes in your sleep pattern.

Your targeted wake-up time ought to be consistent. If your aim is to wake up hours prior to your usual time, consider gradually waking up 15 minutes earlier each day. This slow shift helps avoid exhaustion and assists in permanently resetting your circadian rhythm, therefore achieving your aim of becoming a morning person.

Maintaining a regular routine helps regulate your system in accordance with your adjusted sleep schedule. Regularising mealtimes and keeping a consistent schedule for other activities can assist you in managing your sleep patterns better, thereby preventing you from feeling tired constantly.


So, attuning your sleep pattern to become a morning person might be easier than you thought, with the understanding of chronotypes and the adjustment of your circadian rhythm.

Establishing a morning routine

How to be a morning person | News by Thaiger
Photo via: Pham Tran Thien from

You’re now armed with awareness of your sleep cycles and understand the significance of regularity in sleep routines. Let’s embark on identifying effective strategies for forming potent morning habits to cement your transformation into a morning person.

Methodically adjust your sleep schedule

Becoming a morning person necessitates strategic changes to your sleep schedule. It’s important to remember that drastic alterations to your sleep schedule may result in fatigue, thus complicating the process of establishing and retaining new habits.

Embark on this journey gently by advancing your regular wake-up time by 15 minutes every several days. If your usual wake-up time is at 7 am, for example, aim to rise at 6:45 a.m. for a few days. Once this becomes effortless, modify your wake-up call to 6:30 a.m., and maintain this gradual pattern until you achieve your ideal wake-up time.

Don’t forget about adapting your bedtime simultaneously to guarantee enough rest every night!

Establish a sleep-initiating ritual

While much attention is given to early rising, the actions you pursue before nightfall noticeably influence your morning routine.

Design a pre-bed ritual to indicate to your body that it’s time to switch off. Key aspects of this routine should involve abstaining from screen activity as the intense light hinders sleep. Prioritize calming endeavours like reading a book, gentle yoga, or sipping herbal tea. Also, conscientiously manage your dinner schedule – neither a full stomach nor an empty one is conducive to good sleep.

Utilise natural light

Light is a pivotal tool in managing your sleep clock and overall wake-sleep cycle. It’s advantageous to expose yourself to sunlight during the day to support your body’s awareness of being awake and active.

Begin your day by basking in natural light, whether through a brisk walk or by enjoying a book by a sunlit window. Conversely, it’s crucial to dim your indoor lights as dusk approaches to prepare your body for sleep.

Consistently applying these methods will simplify your journey towards becoming a morning person and lay the groundwork for a successful morning.

Enhancing morning activities

How to be a morning person | News by Thaiger
Photo via: lil artsy from

Transitioning into a morning person isn’t complete unless you adapt your morning activities. Designing a morning routine that sparks joy and energises you can facilitate this adaptation process. This section will help you create an engaging routine to kick-start your day the right way.

Plan enjoyable morning activities

Boosting morale in the early hours may sound tough but it’s completely achievable. Start your day by mapping out activities that you find pleasurable and uplifting. This could be enjoying a cup of your favourite Thai tea, reading a favourite book, or perhaps listening to in-app audio guides. Starting the day with activities you’re passionate about offers a positive tone, promoting focus, productivity, and personal and professional growth.

Exercise to energise your morning

Introducing a workout routine into your mornings can have transformative effects. Morning exercises are a powerhouse for readjusting your body clock and pumping you with energy. You don’t have to head for an intense gym session immediately. Simple, calming exercises like a brisk walk or yoga can serve as a potent start.

Avoid the snooze button

Snoozing gives you fragmented, low-quality sleep, making it a habit to avoid. Keeping a strict wake-up time aids in aligning your circadian rhythm. Therefore, when that alarm sounds, jump out of bed, start your day and maintain a consistent sleep schedule. Remember, regularity in your sleep and wake time is key to becoming a full-fledged morning person.

Besides maintaining a consistent waking hour, monitoring your sleep quality and duration is fundamental. Get sufficient sleep, with the recommended 7-9 hours for adults, and ensure the sleep you do get is good quality. Ensure your environment is conducive to this: maintain a cool, dark, quiet space; avoid caffeine and heavy meals before bedtime, and ditch electronic devices an hour before you turn in. By enhancing your sleep quality, you make the transition to a morning person smoother and easier.

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Sarishti Arora

Eager to create brilliant and resonant content, Sarishti specializes in weaving feelings into compelling narratives and translating emotions into impactful words. With her Master's in Computer Application, she tackles blog posts, articles, or anything else with her technical expertise and her commitment is to capture the essence of a story.

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