Buriram provincial government initiates Thailand’s first partial lockdown

PHOTO: Checks at the provincial airport, railway station, hotel or villages in Buriram - Buriram Times

Buriram province, in east of Bangkok, bordering with Cambodia and home of the Thai leg of the MotoGP, is the first of the country’s 76 provinces to take a pro-active stance against the Covid-19 coronavirus. The provincial government has imposed a partial lockdown to restrict the spread of the disease.

The Buriram Governor Tatchakorn Hatthathayakul says, even though there has no Covid-19 cases reported in the province… “it is necessary for stringent measures to be imposed to protect people”.

“All visitors, Thai or foreign, must be screened upon arrival at the provincial airport, railway station, hotel or village.”

“Non-residents must register, so that they can be traced throughout their stay in the province or during the 14 days following their arrival. This tracking system will be linked with the health officials’ network.”

The Governor stressed that group activities, such as seminars, conferences, ceremonies, summer courses for students, ordinations of novices and markets (other than food markets), where more than 50 people are expected to gather, will be cancelled or postponed.

“If this is not possible, then prior permission must be obtained from the relevant chief district officer and they must comply strictly with the safety standards issued by the Public Health Ministry.”

The governor also said that the chairman of Buri Ram Football Club has promised to convert a Bric Box hotel into a temporary hospital with 80 rooms, to accommodate up to 115 patients.

SOURCE: Thai PBS World

Buriram provincial government initiates Thailand's first partial lockdown | News by Thaiger

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