More time with your kids :) Government Schools to reopen July 1

PHOTO: Bored Panda

Remember that New Year’s resolution you made to spend more quality time with your kids? Well, the government heard your prayers and raised you another month and a half of close and personal self quarantine time by postponing the return of the school semester to July 1.

A recent notification from the Ministry of Education stated:


“All public and private educational institutions, both formal and informal education, affiliated with and under the supervision of the Ministry of Education shall be reopened on July 1 B.E. 2563 (2020).”

International schools will announce their own re-opening dates at a later stage.

Just think about all the quality time you’ll get to have with your kids as they subject your pets to the latest Youtube challenge of stacking rolls of preciously hoarded toilet paper to see how high a wall the household cat can leap before your poor companimal cries out “Mr Charmin, tear down this wall!”

One and a half more months of trying to understand the game Arena of Valor: RoV that you now realise your kids are obsessed with and why their phones are the scourge of the classroom and so frequently confiscated by their teachers.


Or the mess, I mean ornately displaced Vanguard cards that typically clog narrow school hallways, now known as your living room.

Oh, the joys of self-quarantine in a cramped home with the fam. All together for another few months. Yay!

So if “all work and no play” are making you and your kids bond like never before, just let the next month and a half be all the more reason to be overjoyed.

Covid-19 News
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