5,000-baht payouts go out to registered nightlife workers

Plans for a one-time cash payout to aid registered nightlife workers made unemployed by Covid-19 restrictions are coming to fruition with the first round of payments going out today. About 30,000 workers in the entertainment and nightlife sectors should receive a payment of 5,000 baht.
The payment is the first of several intended to go out to each of the approximated 120,000 entertainment and nightlife employees who are registered in the Social Security database in Thailand. For those registered, the Social Security Office is transferring the 5,000 baht directly into the bank accounts of workers.
The payout is intended to help employees of bars, pubs, nightclubs, karaoke shops and similar nightlife and entertainment venues, as well as other related jobs affected by Covid-19 like waiters, drivers, singers, musicians, and live performers.
Yesterday, as the first payouts began to roll out, the Cabinet approved to spend 607.15 million baht – enough to pay all 120,000-plus registered nightlife business employees the 5,000 baht. The money will be spent from its borrowing fund that the government earmarked to solve Covid-19 related economic and social problems.
A government spokesperson said that those who are not registered to the Social Security Fund to receive the cash payout have until the deadline on January 14 to get on the relevant list. Organisations that represent the entertainment and nightlife sector and are registered with the Ministry of Interior or the Department of Business Development can certify workers in order for them to claim the payout. Performers like singers and musicians for example would register for certification from the Musical Association of Thailand.