Thai Life

  • Thai LifeThe evolution of Buddhism in Thailand

    The evolution of Buddhism in Thailand

    Thailand’s Bhikkhu Sangha follows the Theravada discipline, similar to other Theravada communities worldwide. This has ensured uniformity in practices and beliefs and it has created a unique, rich cultural landscape. Buddhism has also shaped societal norms and values. Thai rulers often became monks, enhancing the religion’s status. This practice reflects the deep respect and commitment to Buddhism in Thai society.…

  • EducationPromoting LGBT acceptance and curbing bullying in Thai education

    Promoting LGBT acceptance and curbing bullying in Thai education

    How LGBT folks are treated in Thai schools can really differ. Some schools are super inclusive, but others are still getting there. Surveys show LGBT students often face discrimination and get left out by classmates and teachers. Bullying is common and often overlooked because the support systems aren’t up to par. This difference shows we need programmes to tackle LGBT…

  • GuidesRecognising genuine Thai Silk

    Recognising genuine Thai Silk

    Imagine a fabric so lustrous it shimmers like liquid gold, a material so fine it has been coveted for centuries. Thai silk, with its rich history and intricate craftsmanship, stands as a testament to human ingenuity. Derived from the secretions of silkworms, this luxurious fabric has become synonymous with elegance and sophistication. How Thai silk is created. Thai sericulture: A…

  • Thailand NewsUnique ordination parade sees men tossed in air in Chaiyaphum village

    Unique ordination parade sees men tossed in air in Chaiyaphum village

    Eight men embarking on a spiritual journey into the Buddhist monkhood experienced a thrilling ordination parade in Ban Non-Salao, a village in the Phu Khieo district. In the morning, the provincial governor of Chaiyaphum, Sopon Suwanrat, attended religious ceremonies at a village shrine honouring the 8 men being ordained, collectively referred to as ‘nagas.’ The day’s main attraction was a…

  • Crime NewsThai laws, how to stay out of jail in Thailand | VIDEO

    Thai laws, how to stay out of jail in Thailand | VIDEO

    Thailand has plenty of laws, some of them applied more vigorously than others. Some not at all. But the ones they do apply can get you in hot water or, at worst, in a Thai jail. You DON’T want to end up there. Here’s a few of the better and lesser known Thai laws from The Thaiger. You can visit…

  • Covid-19 NewsCovid-19 could cost an estimated 9 billion baht loss to the economy – Thai alcohol association

    Covid-19 could cost an estimated 9 billion baht loss to the economy – Thai alcohol association

    An alcohol business association is saying the latest round of restrictions and closures on pubs and bars could cost the industry and businesses 9 billion baht. The Thai Alcohol Beverage Business Association is railing against the Thai government’s policies as they restrict the operations and operating hours of tens of thousands of bars, pubs and clubs around the country. They…

  • Things To DoWhen next in Thailand, don’t do these things – VIDEO

    When next in Thailand, don’t do these things – VIDEO

    Most of the time you’re spoiled for choice with things to do in Thailand. It’s what makes the country so popular for overseas visitors, and as a place to live. But there are a few things that may be worth avoiding, despite being available, during your time in the Land of Smiles. Here’s The Thaiger’s Top 10 list of potential…

  • Hot NewsAghast! PornHub blocked in Thailand, again

    Aghast! PornHub blocked in Thailand, again

    Thais will be out on the streets protesting again. This time over an apparent blocking by the Ministry of Digital Economy and Society of the porn portal ‘PornHub’. The site was started in 2007 and has developed into one of the world’s most popular adult porn platforms and is the ‘go to’ favourite of Thais, well until yesterday anyway. Logging…

  • Environment News10 ways Thailand is moving to a greener future

    10 ways Thailand is moving to a greener future

    “Green” is not usually the word that comes to mind when speaking of Thailand, especially when you are speaking through a PM2.5 face mask. But with recent attempts to improve the environment and tackle waste, here are some positive changes to shift your attention from air pollution and help you feel good about the decision to live, invest, or retire…

  • NewsUniversity to allow transgender students to wear female uniforms

    University to allow transgender students to wear female uniforms

    Chulalongkorn University has finally agreed to allow transgender students to the wear female uniforms. For Ince Jirapat, a transgender student, it was a dream come true. In November 2018, Jirapat, a student at Chulalongkorn University’s Faculty of Education, was forbidden to wear a female uniform in class and was insulted by a lecturer. Jirapat turned to human rights activists, a…

  • Thai LifeFarmers seek injunction on chemical ban

    Farmers seek injunction on chemical ban

    A farmers’ organisation will appeal to the Central Administrative Court on Monday October 28 for an injunction on the ban of three agricultural chemicals – paraquat, chlorpyrifos and glyphosate – which was approved by the unanimous vote of Hazardous Substance Committee on Tuesday. The secretary-general of Federation of Safe Agriculture (FSA), said on Saturday that the FSA and representatives of…

  • Thai LifeFour hundred made redundant as tyre factory in eastern Thailand shuts down

    Four hundred made redundant as tyre factory in eastern Thailand shuts down

    The closure of a tyre canvas production plant in Rayong province, eastern Thailand, has led to four hundred workers being left unemployed. Thai PBS World reports that the SRF Industries (Thailand) factory shut down yesterday, blaming operating losses caused by the slowdown in the country’s economy. It’s understood that management at the plant informed workers of the crisis on September…

  • NewsThirty public parks in Bangkok to open for Loy Krathong festival

    Thirty public parks in Bangkok to open for Loy Krathong festival

    Bangkok will open 30 public parks for the forthcoming Loy Krathong Festival, which is set to take place on November 11. Thai Residents reports that the parks will enable both locals and tourists to participate in the festival by floating krathongs in the parks’ ponds. A krathong is a floating container that holds various items including incense sticks, a candle,…