
  • World NewsGrab creates finance and payments revolution in Southeast Asia

    Grab creates finance and payments revolution in Southeast Asia

    PHOTO: While Southeast Asia’s economy shows huge potential for growth, around 73% of the population still doesn’t have a bank account, severely limiting the upward mobility of both individuals and organisations. Enter Grab, the ride-hailing app, which is introducing a range of financial services in Singapore, including micro-insurance for small to medium sized companies, and post-paid products. Instead of…

  • Technology NewsHuawei technology working with the ‘smart city’ project in Phuket

    Huawei technology working with the ‘smart city’ project in Phuket

    Huawei Technologies impressed participants at this week’s ASEAN Smart Cities Network Conference & Exhibition in Bangkok with its white paper on smart city development in Phuket. The paper aims to drive Thailand 4.0 initiatives to pave the way for major digital and infrastructure development in Phuket, one of Thailand’s pilot smart cities, and to provide insights and guidance on an…

  • World NewsThailand and South Korea partner on development of electric buses

    Thailand and South Korea partner on development of electric buses

    Original story by Shin Ji-hye An all-electric bus sits on the campus at King Mongkut’s University of Technology in Thonburi, Bangkok. The electric bus is a joint project between Korea and Thailand, led mainly by Korean automaker Edison Motors, which currently provides public transport services with eco-friendly buses at Namsan in Seoul and on Jeju Island. The project involves 11 organisations from both…

  • Technology NewsThai PC and notebook sales set to increase 5% in second half of year

    Thai PC and notebook sales set to increase 5% in second half of year

    The market for personal computers and notebook computer will grow around 4.7% in the second half of this year, as students, gaming and e-sports continue to drive growth The prediction from marketing director at Acer Computer, Nitipat Praweenwongwuthi. Acer recently conducted a survey into the needs of computer users and found that about 50% of customers who purchase gaming computers will…

  • Health‘Fuell’ opens pre-orders on e-moto ‘Flow’

    ‘Fuell’ opens pre-orders on e-moto ‘Flow’

    In its first foray into the electric motorbike scene, Fuell has gone for a reasonably economical build – a side-step from designer Eric Buell’s race heritage (below). But despite its electric roots, ‘Flow’ is definitely not an around-town ‘cheapie’ which you have to charge three times a day. The Flow is a 180 kilogram serious bike with a chunky rear…

  • Thailand NewsGetting ready for 5G. NCPO extends digital band payments.

    Getting ready for 5G. NCPO extends digital band payments.

    Thailand’s mobile phone operators using the 900Mhz band and digital TV licensees have been given an extension for their concession fee payments. PM Prayut Chan-o-cha, as head of the NCPO, has invoked Article 44 of the interim Constitution, to extend the concession fee payment schedule for mobile phone operators from 4 months to 10 months. The relaxation in the timing of payments to be made to the NBTC will greatly ease the financial…

  • Thailand NewsIs Thailand falling behind in the startup race? Techsauce Global Summit Bangkok

    Is Thailand falling behind in the startup race? Techsauce Global Summit Bangkok

    PHOTO: Oranuch Lerdsuwankij, CEO and co-founder of summit organiser Techsauce Media by Asina Pornwasin Oranuch Lerdsuwankij, CEO and co-founder of summit organiser Techsauce Media, underlined the forthcoming conference’s importance as a platform for tech enthusiasts across different industries to discuss digital knowledge, ideas and experiences. She says the summit is bringing tangible changes to the tech ecosystem across Thailand and…

  • Thai LifeThe Long March towards electric cars

    The Long March towards electric cars

    by Syed Mansur Hashim – The Daily Star They’ve sold 770,000 electric vehicles last year, up 50% on the year before. And there’s already 352,000 electric buses on their roads already. When it comes to electric vehicles (EVs), the world has some catching up to do. According to Forbes magazine, Chinese manufacturers produced and sold 770,000 EVs in 2017. This…

  • World News28 million ASEAN jobs threatened by AI over the next decade

    28 million ASEAN jobs threatened by AI over the next decade

    PHOTO: Krungsri Finnovate by Viet Nam News – Asia News Network, Hanoi Innovations in Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology, coupled with its increased uptake, will have a big impact on the workforce across ASEAN countries over the next decade, according to a new study by Cisco and Oxford Economics. “Technology and the Future of ASEAN Jobs” claims that innovations in digital technology will…