
  • Covid-19 News

    Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine approved for emergency use in Thailand

    It’s been rolled out successfully around the world for several months now, with a seemingly high efficacy rate. And now, the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine has finally been approved in Thailand. The Food and Drug Administration has confirmed that the mRNA vaccine has been approved for emergency use in the Kingdom. mRNA vaccines work by instructing cells in the body to make…

  • Covid-19 News

    Multiple Bangkok hospitals stop Covid testing, citing fear of insufficient beds

    Multiple hospitals in the Bangkok area have stopped doing PCR swab tests for Covid-19. Their rationale is that if some test comes back positive, there won’t be beds for the patients. Other hospitals have “scaled down” the swab tests because their staff is too busy, says Dr Suppachok Kirdlarp. Dr Thiravat Hemachudha, head of the Thai Red Cross Emerging Infectious Diseases…

  • Covid-19 News

    Third vaccine shot may be necessary to combat Delta variant

    The head of the Department of Disease Control says a third vaccine dose may be needed to protect against more infectious Covid-19 variants. Opas Karnkawinpong says officials are studying if it is safe to vaccinate people with different brands following the first dose, but says it’s too soon to say. “Knowledge (about the virus and the vaccines is updated) constantly…

  • Covid-19 News

    Monday Covid Update: 3,355 new cases and 17 deaths

    3,355 new Covid-19 cases were reported today by the Centre for Covid-19 Situation Administration, raising the total since April 1 to 170,401 confirmed infections. The CCSA also reported 17 more deaths related to the coronavirus. Out of the new cases, 784 were detected in Thailand’s overcrowded prisons, a spike in the past few days as the Department of Corrections rolls…

  • Covid-19 News

    Thai government signs contract for 20 million Pfizer doses

    The government has approved the order of 20 million doses of the Covid-19 vaccine from US manufacturer, Pfizer. The Bangkok Post reports that the head of the Department of Disease Control signed the contract yesterday. Delivery will be some time this year, but when exactly is unclear, as the vaccine has yet to be approved by Thailand’s Food and Drug…

  • Thailand video news

    Thailand News Today | Drive-thru vaccines, more vaccines on the way, Samui Sandbox? | June 9

    The Thai government is ordering 20 million doses of the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine, along with 5 million of the Johnson & Johnson single-dose vaccine. Public Health Ministry has instructed Thai hospitals to honour vaccination appointments, even though they may not have received the number of doses expected. Police have arrested a group of Burmese migrants and an alleged guide from…

  • Covid-19 News

    Thailand to get 20 million doses of Pfizer vaccine, 5 million Johnson & Johnson doses

    The Thai government is ordering 20 million doses of the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine, along with 5 million of the Johnson & Johnson single-dose vaccine. Thai PBS World reports that deliveries are expected in the second half of the year. The Public Health Minister, Anutin Charnvirakul, and Nattaphon Narkpanich, chair of the Centre for Covid-19 Situation Administration, says the Pfizer and…

  • World News

    Fed-up waiting, some Thais have travelled overseas to be vaccinated

    While the Thai government continues to big up its vaccination rollout and PM Prayut Chan-o-cha insists there will be enough vaccines for everyone, many Thais have lost faith. And the few who can afford it are flying overseas – at significant cost – to be vaccinated against Covid-19. Coconuts reports that the reasons for doing so are varied… some have…

  • Covid-19 News

    Doctor urges Pfizer, Moderna vaccine to fight B.1.351 variant

    Reacting to the news that the B.1.351 variant of Covid-19 (commonly nicknamed the South African variant) has now been found in Thailand, a senior doctor at the Siriraj Centre of Research Excellence Management has called upon the government to obtain Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson vaccine as quickly as possible. In a Facebook post yesterday, the doctor suggested that…

  • Covid-19 News

    Pfizer vaccine OK for US children 12-15, critics urge better use

    While drug regulators authorised Pfizer vaccine for children aged 12 to 15 in the US, critics are saying that the jabs would be more useful if sent to poor countries. The American Food and Drug Administration cleared the vaccine on Monday, saying that it was safe for children over the age of 12, and the US Centres for Disease Control…

  • Covid-19 News

    Tuesday Covid UPDATE: 31 new deaths and 1,919 new infections

    The Thai public health officials have reported that there has been 31 Covid-related deaths and 1,919 new confirmed cases in the past 24 hours. • An entry ban has been extended to cover foreign travellers coming from Bangladesh, Pakistan and Nepal, as well as India, to help contain any further “highly contagious” Indian variants of Covid-19. The includes all foreigners departing…

  • Covid-19 News

    WHO gives emergency authorisation to China’s Sinopharm Covid-19 vaccine

    China’s Sinopharm Covid-19 vaccine has been given the green light by The World Health Organisation for emergency use. The director-general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, made the announcement yesterday in Geneva. The Chinese vaccine joins Pfizer/BioNTech, Astrazeneca-SK Bio, Janssen, Moderna, and Serum Institute of India in being authorised by the WHO for emergency use. “This afternoon, WHO gave emergency use listing to…

  • Covid-19 News

    Thailand removed from New York Times graphic on Pfizer vaccine

    The New York Times removed Thailand from their infographic of countries that have imported the Pfizer vaccine after initial reports could not be confirmed. Pfizer denied that Thailand had made a deal to acquire jabs of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine. The early rumours of the deal sparked controversy in Thailand, as they were listed as having the jab available only for…

  • Thailand News

    3 Covid-19 vaccines approved by Thai FDA, 3 more in registration process

    3 Covid-19 vaccines have been approved by the Thai Food and Drug Administration while 3 more pharmaceutical and biotech companies are in the process of registering Covid-19 vaccines for use in Thailand, according to FDA secretary general Phaisan Dankhum. So far, the FDA has approved the AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine, which was made in partnership with Oxford University in the UK…

  • Covid-19 News

    Pfizer sees 45% increase in net income and revenue, as critics point to disparity in global vaccine availability

    After seeing a 45% increase in net income from last year, Pfizer, the pharmaceutical giant, is largely increasing its projected profits for this year. And, the increase is undoubtedly due to the high amount of Covid-19 vaccine sales, in which the company says is shaping up to provide a “durable” revenue stream. The company says this year’s first quarter profits…

  • Thailand News

    National Vaccine Institute head says Thailand never turned down an offer from Pfizer

    After reports claiming that the Thai government turned down an offer from Pfizer for 13 million vaccine doses, the director of the National Vaccine Institute is debunking the claims saying the reports are false and the country is still looking into acquiring doses from the company. Thailand’s Public Health Ministry is negotiating with several Covid-19 vaccine manufacturers to acquire more…

  • Covid-19 News

    Thailand to purchase additional 35 million doses of the Covid-19 vaccine

    PM Prayut Chan-o-cha says the Thai government will purchase another 35 million Covid-19 vaccine doses in addition to the 65 million doses of China’s Sinovac vaccine and the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine. The prime minister made a post on his Facebook page today announcing that Thailand will produce the additional doses from 2 or possibly 3 companies. Out of the 35 million…

  • Covid-19 News

    Thailand aims to secure 5-10 million Pfizer vaccines

    PM Prayut Chan-o-cha announced yesterday that Thailand is negotiating to buy 5 to 10 million Pfizer-BoiNTech Covid-19 vaccines. 61 million SinoVac and AstraZeneca vaccines are scheduled for delivery over the next 9 months, but with limited effectiveness against the B117 strain and the third wave of Covid-19 spreading around the country, Thailand is trying to supplement its supply, in quantity…

  • Covid-19 News

    Covid-19 vaccine CEOs say 3rd dose may be needed along with annual jabs

    The CEO for the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccines says it is likely that people will need a 3rd dose of the vaccine and to receive it annually. Albert Bourla, told CNBC, that the booster, or 3rd dose, will be needed less than a year after being fully vaccinated. “A likely scenario is that there will be likely a need for a…

  • Covid-19 News

    Privatising Covid vaccines – Thai government gives private hospitals the go-ahead to buy vaccines

    “About 10,000 people are being vaccinated around Thailand, on average, with 14,000 people being vaccinated each day in Phuket.” Private hospitals and institutions have been given the official go-ahead to purchase up to 10 million doses of approved Covid-19 vaccines. The purchases will be in addition to what the Thai government is also doing. The major sticking point, despite the…

  • Covid-19 News

    Survey shows growing acceptance of Covid-19 vaccines in some countries

    A survey of 6 countries shows that the number of people willing to be vaccinated against Covid-19 is on the rise. The poll, conducted by the international consultancy KekstCNC, indicates that the number of people willing to be vaccinated has risen since last year. The countries that took part were the US, the UK, France, Germany, Japan, and Sweden, with…

  • Covid-19 News

    The leaders in the race to develop a Covid-19 vaccine

    With the coronavirus claiming more than 2.3 million lives, the biggest challenge across the world is developing and distributing a Covid-19 vaccine. Major pharmaceutical companies are now in a race to develop and distribute safe and effective vaccines. The leaders of the Covid-19 vaccine race… JOHNSON & JOHNSON US Pharmaceutical giant Johnson & Johnson has now applied with the US…

  • Covid-19 News

    Norway adjusts advice after 28 possible vaccine-related deaths of elderly people

    The deaths of 23 elderly people are being investigated after dying a short time of receiving their first Covid-19 vaccine in Norway. Apart from the 23 deaths, medical officials are also reporting several people falling ill after receiving their first dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine. At this stage there has been no direct correlation between the people’s deaths and…

  • Covid-19 News

    Health Ministry says local administrations can buy Covid vaccines for roll-out in their areas

    The Public Health Minister, Anutin Charnvirakul, says local administrations can use allocated funds to buy approved Covid vaccines for administration in their localities. “The government plans to provide free jabs to the public but it is alright too if a local administration wants to use state-allocated funds to launch their own vaccination drive. It is good that local administrative bodies…

  • Covid-19 News

    Vaccines bring hope, but we won’t be out of the woods for some time – Thai health officials

    Health officials in Thailand have welcomed the development of a number of seemingly-effective Covid-19 vaccines but warn that the “new normal” will remain for some time. In an interview with the Bangkok Post, Opas Karnkawinpong from the Department of Disease Control says people will still have to wear masks, observe social distancing, and wash their hands regularly. “The challenge posed…

  • Covid-19 News

    Thailand looking to speed up Covid-19 vaccination timeline

    Amid a new surge in Covid-19 cases, Thai officials are planning to increase the number of vaccines available and speed up the timeline for administration. Dr. Taweesin Visanuyothin from the Centre for Covid-19 Situation Administration has confirmed the plan, following complaints from the country’s tourism industry when an initial statement said vaccination might not begin until as late as June.…

  • Visa Information

    Welcome to 2021 – Digital Covid Passports | VIDEO

    Documentation, including your current Covid status and vaccination details, will become 2021’s biggest challenge as governments, businesses, and the travel industry try and re-establish some sort of workable way forward. Several companies and technology groups are developing smartphone apps or systems for individuals to upload details of their Covid-19 tests and vaccinations, creating digital credentials that could be shown in…

  • Covid-19 News

    Thai Covid-19 experimental vaccine to proceed to human testing from April 2021

    A Thai start-up developing an experimental Covid-19 vaccine is said to be making good progress, with the candidate passing testing on laboratory animals. Baiya Phytopharm, a Thai firm developing a vaccine from plant leaves, is to sign an agreement to begin production for use in human trials. Thewin Wongwanich, from the State Enterprise Development Planning Subcommittee, says the firm is…

  • Covid-19 News

    2 people suffer allergic reaction following Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine in the UK

    2 UK health care workers who received the new Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine on Tuesday, the first group of people to receive the approved vaccine against Covid-19 in the western world, have suffered adverse reactions. The 2 cases were out of the 1000s who have already received the new vaccine. The National Health Service issued a warning yesterday that people “with a…

  • World News

    United Kingdom approves new Covid-19 vaccine, first jabs start next week

    The United Kingdom approved the new Covid-19 vaccine by Pfizer-BioNTech for emergency use and will start injections next week. The UK became the first country in the world to license the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, which Pfizer says marks a historic moment in the fight against the coronavirus. The UK purchased 40 million doses of the vaccine and 800,000 doses will be…