Pedo children’s entertainer sentenced to 30 years for sex crimes against kids in UK, Thailand

A children’s entertainer has been sentenced to 30 years in prison for his sickening sex crimes against young and underage girls sending shockwaves through those who came into contact with him in Thailand and the UK.
Paul McKee, known professionally as Professor Paulos, performed for well known British soap stars and at private parties for legendary Liverpool footballers, reported the Liverpool Echo. But behind his amiable façade lay an evil sexual predator, subjecting his victims to a catalogue of sexual abuse over nearly 25 years.
The distressing details emerged during the trial, revealing that the 57 year old degenerate from Wallasey, Wirral, near Liverpool, was working in a school in Thailand when he was arrested.
The pedophile was extradited to the UK, where he faced the damning allegations of his sex crimes against seven girls over a chilling 25 year period. The gravity of his actions was undeniable, with some victims being “barely out of nappies” when subjected to his depravity.
His victims described him in court as “a monster” and during sentencing Judge David Swinnerton said it is hard to disagree.
“Your behaviour was predatory and persistent over many years. You created an environment in the house where children wanted to come. You had animals – a pig, monkeys. You held discos.”
His first wife had left him and a visitor to his Wirral home in Wallasey said it was hard to discern an adult in charge.
Judge Swinnerton added…
“You worked as a children’s entertainer, on the Wirral and in holiday parks, known as Professor Paulos. It is notable though that you chose to work in a sphere that would put you in contact with children. You also spent some time in a school after your move to Thailand, although you were very evasive about that in evidence.
“The pain and psychological damage that you have caused to those seven women was raw and obvious. I once again pay tribute to them for their strength in coming forward and their determination and courage in giving evidence.”
Prosecutor David Roberts revealed the chilling response from McKee after being confronted about his sex crimes.
“The first victim to reveal what had been happening also messaged him and he replied he ‘was sorry.’”

Judge Swinnerton didn’t mince his words as he sentenced the perverted predator. He described McKee’s behaviour as “predatory and persistent over many years,” highlighting the environment he created, where children were drawn to his home due to animals, discos, and the illusion of innocent entertainment.
The victims, whose identities remain protected, faced immense pain and psychological damage due to the trauma inflicted by McKee. Their courage and strength in coming forward to testify were commendable, contrasting sharply with McKee’s lack of remorse.
The judge was appalled by his refusal to show any shame, guilt, or empathy towards those he abused. The author of a pre-sentence report said…
“It is clear that Mr McKee has persisted in targeting vulnerable young females and subjecting them to sexual abuse and cruel behaviour, which evidences significantly distorted thinking, cognitive deficits in his consequential thinking, and a lack of victim empathy.”
During the judge’s sentencing one distressed woman in the public gallery started shouting abuse at the defendant, screaming…
“I want someone to kill him. I want him dead.” As she was taken outside by companions she shouted, “I want the f…ing bastard dead.”
The Royal Thai Police (RTP) kept McKee under surveillance for two months before his arrest in September last year after a tipoff from a friend as to his whereabouts near the border with Laos. He claimed to have had his jaw broken in HMP Altcourse once eventually returned to this country on Christmas Eve.
Dave Coyle, the National Crime Agency’s regional manager for Thailand, said…
“McKee believed he could evade justice by fleeing the UK. But thanks to the joint work between Merseyside Police, the NCA’s international network, the Royal Thai Police and the Thai attorney general’s office, he was located, arrested and extradited to the UK and we are pleased he has been brought to justice for his crimes.”
As the court proceedings came to a close, McKee’s fate was sealed for his sex crimes. He was sentenced to 30 years in prison, but the repercussions of his monstrous actions will undoubtedly linger for a lifetime. McKee’s name will forever be on the Sex Offenders Register, and an indefinite Sexual Harm Prevention Order and restraining order will further restrict his actions.