Mother-in-law discovers she helped deliver daughter-in-law 20 years ago

More than destiny, a viral story of an unexpected reunion is circulating the internet revealing a woman’s shocking realisation that the daughter-in-law she loves once crossed paths with her in an unexpected circumstance two decades ago. As reported by international websites, Mary Ann West, who used to serve as a nurse in the Lakeview Hospital, Wyoming, USA, stunningly discovered that the infant she once assisted during a difficult childbirth twenty years ago is now her daughter-in-law.
West, who was a maternity nurse and childbirth specialist at that time, unfolded her extraordinary experience back in 2001 when she helped a pregnant woman named Stacey Pohl deliver a baby girl. Pohl’s pregnancy was unusual due to a rare condition known as umbilical cord prolapse, which poses considerable risk to both the mother and the child. Much to their relief, the quick thinking and adept handling of the situation by Mary ensured that Stacey successfully gave birth to a little girl, Kelsey, and both the mother and baby were safe, reported KhaoSod.
Helping usher Kelsey into the world constituted one of Mary’s most memorable cases. “I still remember the day Kelsey was born. I’ve never had such a tough job. For her to be delivered safely was a true miracle,” Mary recalled. However, when Mary waved goodbye to the mother-daughter duo, she never imagined that one day she would meet Kelsey again, let alone under such spectacular circumstances. Mary’s son, Tyler, met Kelsey when she was working at a bank, and the two instantly fell in love, subsequently deciding to tie the knot.
However, the day both families met for the first time, Kelsey experienced a vague sense of familiarity with her future mother-in-law. She admitted to feeling confused and described it as “a familiar feeling, but I wasn’t sure what it was,” Kelsey remarked. As they examined Kelsey’s childhood photo album, they stumbled upon a picture of a nurse with a baby. In immediate recognition, Kelsey turned to her fiancé to confirm if the woman in the photo was his mother. Mary’s signature on Kelsey’s birth certificate confirmed the reality, “It was definitely his mother’s handwriting,” she said.
Honoured by the revelation of this unexpected reunion Mary commented, “It seemed like everything was predestined.” She always cherished her assistance in that particular year. Now, her daughter has two mothers, each with unique and unbreakable bonds in her life.