Man jailed for assaulting female driver in viral Lata Iskandar incident

A man who assaulted a female driver in Lata Iskandar, Malaysia, in an incident that went viral on social media, has been sentenced to seven days in prison by the Tapah Magistrate’s Court. Mohammad Zaim Faiz Tarmizi, 29, pleaded guilty to two charges, criminal intimidation and voluntary causing hurt, which could have resulted in imprisonment for up to seven years, a fine, or both. The sentences are to run concurrently from the date of conviction.
The incident took place on June 5 at 5.33pm, when Amiera Atiqah Shahrizan, 24, and her brother were travelling to Cameron Highlands. Shahrizan admitted to attempting to overtake Tarmizi’s car. Upon reaching Lata Iskandar, Tarmizi got out of his vehicle, knocked on the window of Shahrizan’s car, scolded and threatened her, and then proceeded to hit her on the forehead. Shahrizan was later found to have a soft tissue injury on her face.
Deputy public prosecutor JS Gheeta urged for a sufficient sentence, stating that Tarmizi’s actions were unbecoming and irrational. Tarmizi appealed for a lighter sentence, citing his responsibilities towards his child and pregnant wife, and claiming he was angered by Shahrizan’s reckless driving. Magistrate Siti Hanum Mohmad Sah advised Tarmizi to think before acting, as actions can affect not only oneself but also one’s family and community.