Taxi OK project in Krabi

Following its implementation in Bangkok last month, ‘Taxi’ OK’ is now coming closer to Phuket.

The latest taxi ‘Taxi OK’ campaign has been launched in Krabi, aiming to ensure that no passenger would be rejected no matter where they request to travel to, amongst other new improvements to taxi services.


Krabi Land Transport Office Chief, Laddawan Chinnasatian, said today (January 6) that there were many problems about Krabi taxis.

“This project will help solving those problems and ensure the safety of the tourists.”

“There were problems such as illegal taxis, taxi ‘turf wars’ fighting to get passengers and over-priced fees. We also received many complaints. To increase the standard of taxi service in Krabi, to offer passengers a better quality of traveling and to support the increasing amount of tourists in Krabi, we are encouraging the local meter taxis to join the campaign.”

“For the first stage, there are 7 out of 17 taxis that have registered. The taxis will have to follow the standard of not rejecting passengers, keeping their cars clean with comfortable seats, using standard pricing and not exceeding 90 kilometres per hour as per the law. If the passenger have any problems or complaints they can contact us by calling 1584 available 24/7.”

‘Taxi OK’ taxis can be booked by calling the taxi union, on mobile application as well as hailing. There will be a GPS system installed with a camera for a security snapshot in the taxi and an emergency button. These systems are linked to the application of the land transport office and Department of Land Transport.


Taxi OK project in Krabi | News by Thaiger

“When a customer books a taxi, the information will show in the system of the land transport office and Department of Land Transport in real time to ensure the safety and security of the passenger. The emergency button will report the emergency situation to the organisations immediately. This information can also be reviewed from the beginning of the service all the way to the destination. The fee is 40 Baht for the first 2 kilometers, 6 Baht per kilometers for the 2-10 kilometers and 10 Baht after 10 kilometers. If booking via the centre, passenger will have to pay 20 Baht extra as well.”

Meanwhile, the President of Krabi Taxi Union, Nakin Petchlu, said that the project will help solving many problems.

“It will decrease the conflict between taxis who fight to get passengers, ensure the safety of passengers, solve the illegal taxis and the taxi parking problem. I think the fee is cheaper as well because the Taxi OK fee must follow the meter.”

We know you want to know when Taxi OK is being launched in Phuket… the official answer is ‘no introduction date set as yet’.

Taxi OK project in Krabi | News by Thaiger

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