Officials tinker with definition of “population”, “find” over 70% of Phuket is vaccinated

The population of Phuket has been “adjusted” by officials. They now state the island is 74% vaccinated. That is, they claim 74% have received at least 1 of the 2 necessary inoculations.
This news comes from a report by the Phuket office of the Public Relations Department. It was posted earlier today. The report states that the Phuket Governor, Pichet Panapong, told the public that 70% of Phuket residents have received a vaccination.
Pichet gave vaccination figures as belonging to 3 groups:
- People registered as living in Phuket
- People registered as living in other provinces
- Migrant workers/expats
Pichet says:
“For people registered as living in Phuket, there are about 310,000 people, about 67% have received their injection”.
“For People who work in Phuket but come from other provinces, there are more than 100,000 people, and at this stage, about 108,000 people or about 108% have received their injection”.
He did not elaborate on how 108% could have received an injection. However, he did add:
“For migrant workers and expats, there are about 74,000 on the island. It is planned to give injections to 70% or 56,700 people. At this stage, 23,280 people or 41% have received their injection”.
“So that, from 466,000 people on the island, 345,000 or 74% have been vaccinated”.
Curiously, Pichet did not jump on the fact that if 74% of the population had received injections… The island would have met, and exceeded the 70% needed for herd immunity. And thus, the Island could reopen, welcoming the much needed tourists for the July 1 proposed sandbox policy.
However, based on the report PR Phuket released this morning… 75% of the sought target population has been vaccinated, not 75% of the total population to be vaccinated.
The misleading figures, employing the target number of people to be vaccinated, ostensibly as the actually registered population of Phuket, started making the media rounds last week. The Thai PM also claimed last week that the island had reached the 70% figure.
SOURCE: The Phuket News