Expats in Phuket without a work permit can register for a Covid-19 vaccine

Expats living in Phuket, who do not have a work permit, can now register for a Covid-19 vaccine. Under the local vaccine registration website, www.phuket.win, there are now links for foreigners with work permits and foreigners without work permits to apply for a vaccine. Of course, with the ever-faulty websites run by the Thai government, we had to give it a try and the links work, both on a computer and on a smartphone.
For expats outside of Phuket, you might have to wait. Appointments are full for foreign residents, according to the vaccine registration website ThailandIntervac.com, which is run by the Department of Disease Control. Earlier this week, the website had a data leak due to a “temporary glitch” while the site was undergoing “urgent” maintenance to keep up with the high demand for a vaccine appointment. Other people’s names, passport numbers and locations would appear under “user information” when people tried to get in the queue for an appointment.