Time of month saves girl from rape

PHUKET TOWN: A girl student of Rajabhat Institute Phuket managed to avoid being raped by an unknown assailant on Sunday by crying out that she was having her period. The girl was found lying unconscious, still in uniform, in a small dark soi opposite Phuket Town Police Station, on Chumphon Rd, by one of the soi’s residents. After regaining consciousness at Wachira Phuket Hospital, she told police what she could remember. Pol Capt Tewase Pleumsuk said, “At about 7.45 pm, she went to visit a friend who lives in the soi. The friend was not home. As she went to leave, a man blocked her path. “She tried to run away but the man grabbed her and dragged her deeper into the soi. She screamed for help, and also screamed that she was having her period,” he said. The girl told police that the man then started choking her and she passed out. She was found later by one of her friend’s neighbors. Capt Tawate said that police believe that the man fled after checking for himself that the girl was indeed having her period. He added that the man is still at large and police are searching for him.

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