Patong porn peddlers pinched

PATONG: An undercover investigation team from Kathu Police Station led by Pol Maj Serm Kwannimitra raided two VCD outlets opposite the Patong Tourist Police office on Thaweewong Rd recently, arresting two people and confiscating some 5,000 obscene VCDs.

The alleged offenders were Nattaporn Sornram, 33, and Jirawit Nonthapanthawat, also 33, both Phuket natives. They were found to be in possession of 2,000 and 3,000 VCDs respectively. Both were nabbed while selling their wares to foreign tourists.

Police said that the offenders both confessed that they had sold risqué movies for years, adding that foreign tourists made up the largest part of their clientèle. They were charged with possession of obscene material with intent to sell.

Maj Serm told the Gazette that it is difficult to seize porn movies as vendors recognize police officers. He added that Patong is rife with pirated goods.

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