Jammin’ to reopen Friday

PHUKET CITY: The popular Jammin’ nightclub will reopen Friday, following a month of rebuilding after the club caught fire early on April 1, causing an estimated 2 million baht in damage.

The fire is believed to have been started by an electrical fault in the DJ pit. (See earlier story here.)


Co-owner Mel Perdue told the Gazette today, “It’s all new sound equipment. There have been a few structural changes. The stairs have been replaced, for example, but the place is basically the same.

“The lighting system is all new. The builders [finish] today, and the sound engineers are conducting a sound check,” he said.

Mr Perdue explained that he and his wife decided not to wait for the insurance claim to be processed. “These things take time. If we waited for them, it would take another month or so. So we just went ahead with it,” he said.

He added that he was looking forward to “the hottest place in town reopening” – a phrase taken from leaflets currently being handed out around town.

“We’ll open the doors at 8 pm, and the Jammin’ band will kick off at 10 pm. They’ve had some time to rehearse, so they’ve added a few new numbers to their repertoire,” he said.


However, he added, “The last few days have been stressful, meeting the deadline. I’ll be happy when we’re open again. We’ve lost a little piece of our life, really.

“But the staff have all pulled together and helped. They have been wonderful. As a team-building exercise it has been excellent, though expensive. It is not something I want to have to go through again.”

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