Clinton to tour sea gypsy village, plant mangroves

PHUKET: Former US President Bill Clinton will speak in Phuket tomorrow as the United Nations Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for Tsunami Recovery. Clinton will arrive tonight and speak at Hin Look Diow, a small sea gypsy village, tomorrow morning.

After Clinton arrives at the village, near the airport, he will meet community leaders and make a short statement before taking a tour of the village. After the tour he will take part in a mangrove tree planting ceremony to officially launch the World Conservation Union’s Mangroves for the Future Initiative.

Security for the event will be tight and public access to the former US President will be restricted.

About 2 pm Clinton will leave for Phuket International Airport, where he will board a flight to Indonesia. Clinton is also scheduled to visit India during his tour of the region.

This is the last time Clinton will visit Thailand as an official UN Special Envoy for Tsunami Recovery, as his tenure in the position is expected to expire at the end of the year, according to a UN press release.

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