Whale of a tale: Chilean kayaker swallowed by humpback (video)

In a heart-stopping incident off Chilean Patagonia, a kayaker found himself briefly swallowed by a humpback whale before being miraculously released unharmed.
The jaw-dropping event was caught on camera and rapidly swept through social media, captivating viewers worldwide.
Last Saturday, adventurer Adrian Simancas was enjoying a day of kayaking with his father, Dell, in Bahía El Aguila, near the San Isidro Lighthouse in the iconic Strait of Magellan.
In an unexpected twist of fate, a humpback whale suddenly breached the serene waters, swallowing Adrian and his bright yellow kayak for a few breathless moments before gently spitting him out.
Dell, just metres away, captured the unbelievable episode on video, all while urging his son to remain calm.
“Stay calm, stay calm,” he can be heard saying just as Adrian emerges from the whale’s mighty jaws.
Recalling the terrifying encounter, Adrian told The Associated Press, “I thought I was dead. I thought it had eaten me.”
The realisation of what had happened only hit him after he resurfaced, as concern shifted to his father’s safety and the fear of hypothermia in the icy waters set in.
Despite the close call, Dell remained remarkably composed, continuing to film while reassuring his son. Adrian quickly reached his father’s kayak and both paddled back to the safety of the shore, shaken but unscathed.

Set around 3,000 kilometres south of Santiago, the Strait of Magellan draws tourists and thrill-seekers to its rugged beauty and the adventurous exploits it offers. However, its chilly waters pose formidable challenges, with temperatures hovering between 4 and 20 degrees, even in summer, reported the New York Post.
While such incredible whale encounters are rare in Chilean waters, the region has seen a worrying rise in whale fatalities due to collisions with cargo ships and frequent stranding incidents over the last decade.
As Adrian’s extraordinary story takes social media by storm, it serves as a poignant reminder of the majestic yet unpredictable nature of the ocean’s giants.