Thai TikTok user strikes lottery luck after solar doll offering

A Facebook and TikTok user recently struck it rich after winning on three lottery numbers with a prize of hundreds of thousands of baht.
The winning streak came after 40 year old Kongkwan Kongnan posted a video of herself offering four solar-powered dancing dolls to her local spirit house and asking for luck.
The video, which Kongkwan posted on both Facebook and TikTok, quickly went viral. It showed the woman placing the dolls, each costing 45 baht, in her spirit house and lighting incense. The video has been viewed more than 3.7 million times on TikTok alone.
Kongkwan, who runs a bridal makeup and hair salon from her home in Ratchaburi province, said she had never expected the video to attract such a huge audience. She explained that she had stumbled upon the dolls while scrolling through an app and thought they were cute, so decided to order them as an offering.
After the lottery results were announced yesterday, January 17, Kongkwan screamed with joy as she discovered she had won the first prize number of 105979 – the last three digits matched exactly the numbers she had asked for in her video. She expressed her gratitude to her ancestors for granting her the fortune and said it was a great start to the year, reported Sanook.
This isn’t the first time that luck has struck. Kongkwan revealed that she often won the lottery and that a rare type of mushroom, known for its pungent smell and attracting flies, had previously appeared in her front garden – a sign some believe brings good luck.
Keeping her promise, Kongnan plans to order four more dancing dolls to offer to her spirit house, hoping to continue her run of good fortune.
In related news, good-humoured TV star Thongchai Thongkanthom, better known as Ping Pong, shared a photo of the three sets of lucky numbers that he got at the shrine with fans on his Instagram account @sindy_pwoong.