Thai political leader proposes legal brothels and sex shops

PHOTO: Mongkolkit Suksintharanont, leader of the Thai Civilised Party proposes legalised brothels and sex shops - Thai PBS World

A controversial Thai MP is proposing licenced brothels and sex shops as a way of addressing the problem of sexual abuse in Thailand. Mongkolkit Suksintharanont, leader of the Thai Civilised Party and a member of the House committee studying ways to reduce rape and other sexual violations, commented in a Facebook post that he would raise the proposal with committee members at their meeting yesterday.

Explaining his logic, Mongkolkit commented that humans, by nature, are sexual creatures, and laws and cultural norms regulating sexual activity are artificial and make humans different from other animals. He says that most rapes are perpetrated by men to release sexual tension, adding that offences are committed in families, in workplaces among colleagues and even in schools among classmates, and that rapes reported to police are a fraction of those actually committed.

He claims his idea of state sanctioned brothels and sex shops follows the Swiss model, adding that it could help reduce rape and corruption among officials for turning a blind eye to Thailand’s illegal sex trade.

SOURCE: Thai PBS World

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