Seriphisut acknowledges election results, citing disapproval of military rule

Seriphisut, leader of the Seri Ruam Thai Party, acknowledged the General Election results and congratulated the pro-democratic parties in a press conference after more than 20% of the votes were counted. He expressed hope that the Pheu Thai and Move Forward Party (MFP) parties would form a coalition government without needing support from other parties. This comes as the election results seem to indicate that the public has grown weary of the military-led government that has been in power for eight to nine consecutive years and desires a change in leadership.
According to Seriphisut, the reason for these election results is the implementation of a two-ballot system and the calculation of the MP party list in a parallel system, known as the “division by a hundred” method. This system was designed to give bigger parties an advantage, and the outcome reflects the public’s discontent with the current administration. The combined vote count for the Pheu Thai and MFP parties is expected to exceed 60% of the total number of parliamentary seats reported Sanook.
The Seri Ruam Thai Party, however, admits that their election performance fell short of expectations, as the public decided to cast their votes for the two main parties concerning the country’s political future. Seri Ruam Thai Party is now ready to support the formation of a pro-democracy coalition government and will fulfil its parliamentary duties with utmost commitment as entrusted by the public.