Sandwich seller in Isaan arrested for smuggling amphetamine from Laos

The sandwich seller in northeastern province Roi Et was arrested for allegedly smuggling illicit drugs. Police found more than 70,000 amphetamine pills at her home. The 47 year old woman allegedly admitted to the charges, saying selling sandwiches couldn’t cover her family’s expenses and she needed the additional income.
Officers from Mueng Roi Et Police Station received a tip that the woman was selling drugs. They raided the woman’s house and found her and her daughter making sandwiches. Officers say they asked the woman about selling drugs and she confessed, showing officers the spot in her backyard where she had buried 12 packages containing 73,219 amphetamine pills. She reportedly told police that a dealer from Laos had hired her to traffic the drugs and paid her 1,000 baht per package.
Reports say that the woman told police she needed money to buy two motorbikes for her children. She was charged with Category 1 drug possession.
SOURCE: Khaosod | Roi Et Volunteer Defense Crops