Roti rebellion: Thai police rescue Burmese teenager from trafficking

In a harrowing tale of courage and justice, a Burmese teenager hailed the Government of Thailand for rescuing him from a nightmare of forced labour and trafficking. The 17 year old’s ordeal ended with the conviction of his captor in Bangkok last year, bringing a glimmer of hope to the youth as he waits to return home to Myanmar.
The teenage survivor expressed his gratitude to the Government of Thailand.
“I would like to thank the court and the government shelter who took good care of me. I would also like to thank IJM (his friendly neighbour) who supported me throughout the legal case.”
Kidnapped from his family for a mere 10,000 baht (£230), the boy was smuggled across the border from Myanmar to Thailand under the cover of night. Upon reaching his employer’s home in Bangkok, he was cruelly informed of his illegal worker status, with threats of arrest looming if he tried to escape.
Forced to toil in a local market making and selling roti bread, the boy endured brutal beatings with phone charging cords and rubber hoses for failing to meet sales targets. For half a year, he suffered in silence, working into the early hours, deprived of pay and adequate food.
The breaking point came when he confided in a concerned neighbour, showing them his bruises and revealing the abuse he endured. The empathetic neighbour helped the teen report his plight, leading to a swift rescue by police who brought him to safety in a government shelter.
Supported by IJM, the boy received much-needed aftercare and legal assistance. Their efforts culminated in a significant legal victory, with the trafficker sentenced to four years and three months in prison, alongside a hefty fine of 640,190 baht (£14,761).
The resilient teenager revealed he was relieved his ordeal was finally over.
“I feel that the Thai court has delivered justice. I am still deeply hoping that I will be compensated for my unpaid wages but the sentencing will serve as an example for it not to be repeated to anyone else.”