Lat Phrao shopping centres insist they are not the source of new Covid clusters

Central Plaza Lat Phrao, Imperial World, and Union Mall located (mostly) in Bangkok’s Lat Phrao district, deny they are the shopping centres the CCSA was referring to on Wednesday when the CCSA said there was a “Covid cluster from a mall”. The confusion stems from the fact that the CCSA did not specify which mall was responsible for the cluster.
The Lat Phrao malls are referring to the CCSA’s daily press briefing that said how the 48 infection clusters discovered in Bangkok recently are being monitored closely, including the new cluster found at a Lat Phrao mall, although she left the mall in question up to the viewer’s imagination.
In response, the Central Plaza Lat Phrao Facebook wrote a post proclaiming they were not the source of the mall cluster. They said their mall had been following strict protocols, including having a “big clean” daily, as well as taking other precautions.
Opposite to Central, the Union Mall, left its own Facebook post that also says they are not the mall in question. They maintain that they had a 15 day closure for “disinfection and cleanup”. They also say they were told by the Chatuchak district office that the district did not have a new cluster.
Imperial world Lat Phrao also denied it was the source of the cluster. The Imperial World Lat Phrao argues that they are not even in the Lat Phrao district, but part of the Wang Thong Lang district. Thus, the mall-whodunnit currently remains unsolved.