Fashion brands linked to brutal slaughter of reptiles in Thailand (video)

Undercover investigators have leaked a video and shocking images that uncover the horrifying truth behind Thailand’s reptile farms, which supply major fashion brands like Gucci, Yves Saint Laurent, and Louis Vuitton.
The footage reveals a grim reality of snakes being mercilessly slaughtered by farm workers wielding hammers, questioning the ethics of fashion brands.
In a disturbing sequence, workers are seen relentlessly striking pythons on the head with hammers, a method deemed barbaric by experts, as it may not even render the snakes unconscious. Subsequently, metal hooks are driven through their heads, followed by a chilling process of pumping them with water to facilitate skin removal.
The cruelty extends to the Phokkathara Crocodile Farm, which caters to Kering brands like Gucci and Yves Saint Laurent. Undercover investigators from animal rights group PETA captured footage depicting reptiles being subjected to shocking and agonising methods of slaughter.
Owned by a father and son, CCBI and Si Satchanalai admitted to supplying leather to Caravel, a tannery under Kering, and to luxury fashion brand Louis Vuitton. The farms, housing a staggering 15,000 pythons, reportedly slaughter up to 30 snakes daily during peak seasons to meet contractual obligations.
The snakes endure appalling conditions, confined to bare cages and boxes, often residing amidst their own excrement. Breeding seasons witness fatal clashes among snakes, with owners callously advocating the disposal of weaker specimens.
Renowned reptile expert Clifford Warwick, after reviewing the footage, expressed concerns that the snakes might remain conscious throughout their agonising demise. Shockingly, many snakes were observed exhibiting movement even after supposed lethal procedures.
The cruelty doesn’t stop at snakes; crocodiles at the farm face a similarly grim fate. PETA condemned the nape stab method employed to sever spinal cords, resulting in excruciatingly slow deaths.
Despite Kering’s purported animal welfare standards, the grim reality exposed by PETA’s investigation starkly contrasts with the luxury conglomerate’s claims. The Python Conservation Partnership, initiated by Kering, aimed at improving sustainability and animal welfare, appears to have fallen short of its objectives.
With approximately 500,000 snake skins imported into Europe annually from Southeast Asia, the scale of the issue is staggering, reported UK Daily Mail.
Kering and Louis Vuitton’s parent company LVMH were reached for comment but remained silent on the matter, leaving consumers questioning the ethics behind their luxury purchases.