Child harmed from mistakenly eating cannabis jellies

PHOTO: Cannabis jellies caused palpitations in a child who accidentally ate them. (via Thai Newsroom)

Just because you are eating them like candy doesn’t mean children should be eating cannabis jellies. After a young patient was hospitalized for severe palpitations and irregular heartbeat, a Thai doctor issued a warning. He said that children should not be allowed to consume cannabis jellies.

Dr Smith Srison, the director of the Medical Council of Thailand and president of the Forensic Physician Association of Thailand, warned that if regulations aren’t put in place to control the consumption of cannabis, mishaps could occur in the country.


The patient bought the cannabis jellies from a store near their school, mistakenly believing it was a regular snack.

The doctor highlighted that the impact of marijuana use on children is not unique to this particular case. Emergency room doctors and psychiatrists across Thailand have reported incidents of children being harmed by cannabis consumption.

In Thailand, reports of criminals attacking others while traces of marijuana and methamphetamine were found in their urine worry doctors and officials. They warn that people could get drunk and high and cause car crashes and other calamities.

Dr Smith believes that if those involved in legalising cannabis do not create regulations, the country will be at risk of more and more accidents and incidents involving the drug. He called for regulations to be tightened to a standard similar to other countries.

In the case of the child who ate cannabis jellies and experienced palpitations, little can be done in the way of punishment. The shop that sold the candies cannot be reported to the police since they are no longer classified as drugs so the sale was legal.


For complaints now, individuals are advised to reach out to the Food and Drug Administration, the Department of Health, or the Department of Thai Traditional Medicine.

However, Dr Smith pointed out that there isn’t actually a formal system or channel in Thailand for people to lodge complaints regarding cannabis.

Child harmed from mistakenly eating cannabis jellies | News by Thaiger

Cannabis NewsThailand News

Neill Fronde

Neill is a journalist from the United States with 10+ years broadcasting experience and national news and magazine publications. He graduated with a degree in journalism and communications from the University of California and has been living in Thailand since 2014.

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