Black sea menace: Jomtien Beach’s water quality

Photo courtesy of Pattaya Mail

Sanitation engineering officials descended on Jomtien Beach amid alarming reports of black contaminants in the water.

An in-depth inspection was carried out on Monday, June 17, at three key locations: Jomtien Beach at Soi 7, in front of The Now Hotel, and in front of Marine Beach Hotel Pattaya. Initial observations of the seawater revealed a green hue and a salty odour, prompting immediate testing and sample collection.


At each inspection point, critical water quality parameters were recorded. The results were as follows:

Point 1:

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    • pH: 6.26
    • Temperature: 32.2°C
    • Dissolved Oxygen: 7.10 mg/L

Point 2:

    • pH: 6.78
    • Temperature: 32.5°C
    • Dissolved Oxygen: 7.35 mg/L

Point 3:

    • pH: 6.49
    • Temperature: 33.6°C
    • Dissolved Oxygen: 7.80 mg/L

Microscopic examination unveiled a significant presence of Chaetoceros sp., a type of non-toxic phytoplankton. Officials confirmed that this species poses no threat to aquatic life or humans. The black contaminants, initially a cause for concern, were found to result from a natural phenomenon known as phytoplankton bloom, triggered by high seawater temperatures and an abundance of organic nutrients.


Further analysis confirmed that the seawater at Jomtien Beach adheres to water quality standards for recreational use (category 4) and industrial and port use (category 5). Despite the initial scare, officials reassured the public that the beach remains safe for swimming and other recreational activities, reported Pattaya Mail.

In related news, Krabi, a paradise of pristine beaches and azure waters, faces a chilling reality: a water crisis that could dry up its tourism fortunes. As demands for long-term solutions surge, local operators urge action to avert disaster.

In other news, Jomtien Beach was battered by fierce winds and waves on June 10, causing devastating erosion across a 1,000-metre stretch opposite the Pu Pen Restaurant. Ekkarach Kantharo, Director of the Pattaya Regional Marine Department Office, confirmed the damage was a result of monsoon conditions that have unleashed storms and towering waves on the Gulf of Thailand.

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Puntid Tantivangphaisal

Originally from Hong Kong, Puntid moved to Bangkok in 2020 to pursue further studies in translation. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Comparative Literature from the University of Hong Kong. Puntid spent 8 years living in Manchester, UK. Before joining The Thaiger, Puntid has been a freelance translator for 2 years. In her free time, she enjoys swimming and listening to music, as well as writing short fiction and poetry.

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