16 year old Thai girl dies of ketamine overdose during sex

Photo via Facebook/ สปอร์ตไลท์บางปู

A 16 year old girl died of a ketamine overdose while having sex with a 63 year old man in central Thailand.

Mueang Samut Prakan Police Station officers were alerted to the death of the teenage girl, Thanyaluck, at around 9pm yesterday, September 4. Police went to the scene, a two-storey house in the Prae Kasa sub-district, Mueang district, Samut Prakan.


Upon investigating the scene, Thanyaluck was found lifeless on the bed of the 63 year old homeowner, Suchin. She was wearing a green tank top and black shorts, and her bra was unhooked. The girl had blood running from her nose and bruises all over her body.

Officers found no sign of physical assault or struggle in the bedroom. The girl reportedly died about two hours before police arrived at the scene.

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Suchin informed the police that he had resigned from his previous job to care for his 84 year old mother. Subsequently, he began selling shoes and clothing online to sustain himself.

To boost sales, he enlisted the help of two young girls, Thanyaluck and her friend Tarn, for livestreaming sessions. According to Suchin, Thanyaluck and Tarn assisted him from midday until 4pm, at which point Thanyaluck requested to rest and fell asleep.

Unhooked bra


Tarn observed that Thanyaluck was experiencing difficulty breathing but attended to her until her condition appeared to improve. Suchin asserted that he allowed Thanyaluck to continue resting while Tarn departed from his residence.

Thanyaluck slept for an unusually extended period, prompting Suchin to check on her, at which time he discovered she had passed away. Suchin emphatically denied tampering with her bra hooks or assaulting her in any way.

Police were not convinced by Suchin’s account and took him to the police station for further questioning. During the interrogation, an autopsy revealed that Thanyaluck died of a drug overdose after taking ketamine.

After the autopsy result, Suchin confessed that he hired Thanyaluck not for livestreaming help but for sex. Before the sex, Tarn brought Thanyaluck to him and left. The girl said she wanted to take ketamine before sex and did so.

Suchin said he did not know how much she took but he did not participate. Thanyaluck began to have a seizure, vomited and bled from the nose before she died.

The confession led Suchin to be charged initially under Section 318 of the Criminal Code: taking a minor under the age of 15 away from her parents or guardians. This carries a penalty of two to 10 years’ imprisonment and a fine of 4,000 to 20,000 baht.

On other charges related to child prostitution, officers summoned Tarn for questioning and would file further charges after that.

Police also confirmed to Channel 7 that Thanyaluck had a history of drug use, so she took the drugs herself without being forced by Suchin or anyone else.

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Petch Petpailin

Petpailin, or Petch, is a Thai translator and writer for The Thaiger who focuses on translating breakingThai news stories into English. With a background in field journalism, Petch brings several years of experience to the English News desk at The Thaiger. Before joining The Thaiger, Petch worked as a content writer for several known blogging sites in Bangkok, including Happio and The Smart Local. Her articles have been syndicated by many big publishers in Thailand and internationally, including the Daily Mail, The Sun and the Bangkok Post. She is a news writer who stops reading news on the weekends to spend more time cafe hopping and petting dwarf shrimp! But during office hours, you can find Petch on LinkedIn and you can reach her by email at petch@thethaiger.com.

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