Thailand is the biggest exporter of condoms in the world

Condoms are among five products that Thailand exports more than any other country in the world, according to data from the global trade insights website, reports Prachachat.
Today, the Ministry of Commerce’s Director of the Trade Policy and Strategy Office, Poonping Naiyanapakorn, revealed that Thailand was the champion exporter of five outstanding Thai products in 2022…
Fresh Durian
Thailand exported US$3.21942 billion worth of fresh durian in 2022, with the largest demand coming from China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan, respectively. Thailand takes up 93% of the global fresh durian market followed by Vietnam (6%) and Malaysia (0.7%).
Thailand exported US$1.52380 billion worth of cassava in 2022, the biggest markets being China, the United States, and Vietnam, respectively. Thailand’s cassava represents 46.5% of the world’s cassava market, followed by Cambodia (34.1%) and Laos (9.1%).
In 2022, Thailand exported US$2.7226 billion worth of condoms with the most demand coming from China, the United States, and Vietnam, respectively. Thai condoms comprise 44% of the world’s condoms, followed by condoms made in China (12.8%) and Malaysia (10.8%).
Canned pineapple
Thailand exported US$469.69 million worth of canned pineapple in 2022, with the biggest markets being the United States, Russia, and Germany, respectively. Thailand’s tinned pineapple represents 36.4% of the world’s tinned pineapple, followed by exporters Indonesia (25.7%) and the Philippines (18%).
Canned tuna
Last year, Thailand exported US$2.28421 billion worth of canned tuna, the biggest consumers being the United States, Japan and Australia, respectively. Thailand holds a 24.8% share in the global canned tuna market, followed by Ecuador (15.2%) and Spain (9.5%).
Poonping said…
“Thailand has a high potential to export a wide range of products by taking advantage of domestic raw materials and being an important regional production base – so much so that countries around the world trust Thailand’s products so much that they reached the number one market share in the world.
“Competitors have begun to compete for global market share – especially fresh durian. Vietnam has just received permission to send fresh durian to China, which is a major trading partner of Thailand.
“Exporters, therefore, need to keep a close eye on their competitors and look for opportunities and try to adjust product strategies to maintain the existing market. For example, adjusting strategies to export fresh durian as well as durian products with increased value and find new markets to mitigate the risk of relying heavily on the Chinese market.”
One way to boost revenue is to process raw materials before exporting them, such as by turning Thailand’s plentiful reserves of rubber into condoms. Thailand’s Minister of Agriculture Chalermchai Sri-on built on this by saying that Thailand should use some of its rubber to tap into the sex toy market.
On Facebook, he said…
‘Sex Toy – Made in Thailand.’ Salvage Thai rubber and increase its value. #Thai latex is the best in the world and can bolster the revenue of Thailand’s rubber industry.
“Today we must dare to decide. Should we process rubber into sex toys to make a profit for the country? It’s not just about pornography but also a matter of sexual health.
“In 2021, the global sex toy market was worth 1.3 trillion baht! Within just five years since 2016, the market has grown by 300% and is predicted to grow to 2 trillion baht by 2030.
“Introducing the concept of ‘Sex Toy: Made in Thailand’ will generate more income for rubber farmers and bring huge revenue into the country.
“We are ready to build an industrial estate called ‘Rubber Valley’ to systemise rubber processing and boost rubber exports, which can double up as a tourist attraction.
“We should process rubber in all ways. Dare to make the change and unlock income for Thai people.”