Full moon storms to hit southern Thailand this weekend

Full moon storms are to hit southern Thailand this weekend, with the first full moon of the year early on Saturday morning.
People living in southern provinces, including Koh Pha Ngan, should keep off the beaches and stay home, preparing for heavy weather, including flash floods in the mountains, until Monday.
The Meteorological Department advised sailors to exercise extreme caution in the Gulf of Thailand over the weekend, due to strong winds and high waves, and to avoid stormy areas, where waves may reach over four metres.
Small vessels should remain ashore.
Koh Pha Ngan’s first famous full-moon party of the year looks like being a washout, with heavy rain expected on Friday afternoon and low temperatures throughout the weekend.
The department attributed the bad weather to the convergence of an intensifying low pressure cell moving towards the tip of the Vietnamese peninsula, and a strong north-eastern monsoon, looming over the gulf and southern Thailand.
The first full moon of the year, in Cancer, is known as the Wolf Moon. The major theme to take away is that this full moon is all about taking care of yourself.
Wiccan and pagan adherents celebrate the moon’s influences on feminine energies, so expect to find yourself feeling more sensitive to events and interactions, experiencing heightened intuition, even finding yourself a little moodier.