Gin khao! Annual monkey buffet in Lopburi Province

PHOTOS: Travel Wire Asia | INN News

Monkeys in the Lopburi province in central Thailand have enjoyed an annual buffet nicknamed the Tarzan Monkey Party. The is held at the War Phra Pang Sam Yot and is a traditional celebration of the monkeys and they ability to attract tourists. There is also a local legend of an ancient monkey saving the locals from a pesky demon. (More photos and video below)

This is the 31st such buffet for the local templemonkeys. The event takes place in front of the Phra Pang Sam Yot temple in the Tha Hin district. The temple is famous for having troops of monkeys that wait for visitors beside the Buddha Statues.

The food is placed in front of vans decorated just for the occasion with paint and depictions of the monkeys. On top of the van are hanging fruits and a rope so the monkeys can have a competition to win the prize at the end of each rope.

INN News reports that most of the monkeys in the area are harmless as long as you don’t bother them or try and snatch their food. They are used to the hundreds of visitors coming in each day to visit the temple. There is a statue of a monkey holding a banana in front of the temple commemorating the value of the monkeys to attract tourists and bring prosperity to the town. Tourists are told, if you wish to give the monkeys food, just place it on the ground and they’ll all run in for a feed

Locals and tourists packed the temple yesterday to see the monkeys run down and enjoy their feast. The Phra Pang Sam Yot is one of the main attractions in Lopburi that are just another representation of Thailand’s history and culture in the region.


Gin khao! Annual monkey buffet in Lopburi Province | News by Thaiger Gin khao! Annual monkey buffet in Lopburi Province | News by Thaiger Gin khao! Annual monkey buffet in Lopburi Province | News by Thaiger Gin khao! Annual monkey buffet in Lopburi Province | News by Thaiger

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