Soldier murders teacher, dumps her body in pond in central Thailand

Yesterday, police found the body of a 40 year old teacher who had been missing for 15 days. Ning’s body was found tied down with bricks at the bottom of a pond at a soldier’s house in Phetchaburi province, central Thailand.
“Teacher Ning”, and her gray Toyota Reva 4X4, went missing on May 26. Police from Kaeng Krachan Police Station received a missing persons report that evening and 15 days later, they found her car at 38 year old Sgt. Mj. Surin’s home in Donyang district.
Last night at 10:30pm, Ning’s body was discovered in a pond at a banana plantation on the soldier’s property. Ning’s body was tied up and weighed down with 2 bricks, a car bumper and a steel rail. Her hands were tied behind her back.
Surin, a soldier at a Kaeng Krachan Special Forces Training Camp, admitted strangling Ning and dumping her body in the pond at his house on the morning of May 26 after the pair had quarrelled.
After murdering Ning, Surin made sharp cuts all over her body “to stop her from floating.” Then, he put 20 banana trees on the surface of the water to prevent anyone from seeing Ning’s body if it did float upwards.
Police arrested Surin and initially charged him with “killing another person with intention” (pre meditated murder) and “concealing a dead body.” Surin will now be prosecuted.
SOURCE: Sanook