Police arrest transgender Thai women for filming and disseminating child porn online

On Monday, Thai police arrested a transgender woman in Bangkok for filming and disseminating child pornography on the LINE and OnlyFans platforms.

Thailand’s Anti-Trafficking In Persons Division announced the results of their investigation today.

Officers from Thailand’s Central Investigation Bureau arrested 29 year old transgender woman named Saranrak – aka “Bee” – who filmed herself having sex with minors and sold the videos online.

The Criminal Court issued an arrest warrant for Bee on November 9 after police discovered she was the creator of a Line group called “BB Group VIP” in which pictures and videos of child pornography were disseminated, such as video clips in which transgender women had sex with underage males. All the videos were sent by the group admin, “BB1.”

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The group had over 500 members who could only be added to the group by invitation. Members had to pay a membership fee of 500 baht to gain entry into the group and access the videos.

Police found that the pictures and videos were also posted on an OnlyFans account called pretty lady boy.

One victim, a boy around 16 years old, told police he was contacted by Bee via her personal Twitter account. He said Bee persuaded him into having sex with her at a house in Muang district in Pathum Thani province in exchange for 500 baht.

The victim said Bee requested to film the sex and keep it for one person to watch. However, Bee later posted the clip in the Line group “BB Group VIP.”

Police arrested Bee on Monday under the following charges…

  1. Human trafficking through exploitation and unlawfully producing or distributing pornography of a person under 15 years old
  2. Taking a child under 15 years old away from their parents or guardians for profit or indecent purposes
  3. Inducing, encouraging, or allowing a child to behave inappropriately or act obscenely whether it is for profit or any other purpose.

In July, a Thai teacher was arrested for sexually assaulting children aged between 7 and 15 years old and making child pornography videos that he sold on OnlyFans.

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Leah is a translator and news writer for the Thaiger. Leah studied East Asian Religions and Thai Studies at the University of Leeds and Chiang Mai University. Leah covers crime, politics, environment, human rights, entertainment, travel and culture in Thailand and southeast Asia.

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