Arrests in Chiang Mai for “sextortion”, child porn

PHOTO: Chiang Rai Times

A 20 year old Thai man has been charged with extortion after police in Chiang Mai province arrested him for posing as a woman to blackmail a university student online. Acting on a warrant, the Anti-Trafficking in Persons Division and the Internet Crimes Against Children task force arrested Natthawut Klinhom.

Police say the victim, aged 19, filed a complaint against Natthawut accusing him of blackmail. He says he met Natthawut, who posed as a woman online, and the two started a “romantic relationship” on social media. He says Natthawut began asking for nude photos and he obliged. But, he says, Natthawut then began extorting money from him, allegedly threatening to release the pictures online if the victim refused to pay.

The student initially paid, but stopped paying after spending 19,000 baht. The victim then filed the complaint with police, leading to Natthawut’s arrest.

Authorities raided Natthawut’s home in Chiang Mai and found the student’s photos on his computer and mobile phones. Natthawut reportedly confessed, saying he committed the crime for the money.

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In a related story, Chiang Mai Police arrested 40 year old Piyawat Benjawan, 40, for possessing child porn. Police saythe TICAC task force was informed by the US FBI that an individual in Thailand had downloaded huge quantities of pornography involving minors.

After investigation, police nabbed Piyawat at his home in Chiang Mai. Piyawat also reportedly confessed to downloading pictures of underage girls, saying he was bored while under self-isolation.

Police noted that it is illegal in Thailand to download or share nude photos of individuals under 18.

SOURCE: Chiang Rai Times | Bangkok Post

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