6 arrested for alleged child sex trafficking, 5 teen girls rescued

PHOTO: Nation TV

Police say 6 people in Kanchanaburi and Ratchaburi provinces, west of Bankok, have been arrested on suspicion of child sex trafficking. 5 child prostitutes, at least one as young as 14 were rescued in Kanchanaburi and Ratchaburi provinces, and 6 people taken into custody. Acting on a tip, officers of the Anti-Trafficking in Persons Division yesterday arrested the 6 and obtained evidence against them from the 5 rescued children, all local girls between 14 and 17.

One anti-trafficking officer says one of the suspects told police the youngest children are the most popular and only provided to “trusted” customers.

The procurers included a pimp identified only as “Tai,” who works at a hotel in Kanchanaburi city, a popular tourist destination made famous by the 1957 film “Bridge On the River Kwai”. Police said Tai worked with several ‘madams’ operating there and in neighbouring Ratchaburi province to sell the girls.

All 6 suspects are charged with child sex trafficking, a crime punishable by up to 20 years in jail and a fine of up to 400,000 baht, the same penalty as conviction for soliciting sex from a minor.

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1 is also charged with illegal firearms possession.

SOURCE: Coconuts Bangkok

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