Wear face masks in Chanthaburi or face punishment

Yesterday, Withurat Srinam Governor of Chanthaburi province, eastern Thailand, ordered all citizens in the province to wear face masks (sanitary or cloth) before leaving their homes. People who don’t do this will face a maximum fine of 20,000 baht. The order has been effective from yesterday to April 30.
“The Chanthaburi Committee for Communicable Disease has agreed to enforce the order in the province until the end of April, as the Covid-19 situation in Thailand is still escalating, while the numbers of infected and those under investigation or quarantine are continually rising.”
The governor issued the order under ‘section 34(6)’ of the Communicable Disease Act which empowers the provincial governor to announce any regulations to prevent the spreading of communicable diseases in their responsible areas.
SOURCE:The Nation
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