Tests confirm Sinovac, AstraZeneca effective at stimulating immune response

Tests at Bangkok’s Chulalongkorn University have confirmed the efficacy of both the Sinovac and AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccines. Renowned virologist, Yong Poovorawan, says both vaccines proved successful at stimulating an immune response against Covid-19. The tests were carried out as part of a study done by the university’s Centre of Excellence in Clinical Virology.
Yong says that people given the first dose of AstraZeneca showed over 98% immunity to Covid-19, while those who had received 2 doses of the Sinovac vaccine showed immunity of over 99%. People who had already been infected with Covid-19 showed immunity of over 92%, but Yong warns that this does not rule out re-infection.
“We still do not know what level of immunity can prevent people from infection, but we already know that the severity of the disease would be reduced as long as we have immunity.”
Yong says studies are being carried out into long term Covid-19 immunity and does not rule out a need for booster doses to keep immunity at maximum levels.
“As Covid-19 has a short incubation period, it may be necessary to administer more doses to ensure people’s immunity is at the highest level.”
SOURCE: Nation Thailand