Nurse dies of Covid-19 a week after receiving first dose of Sinovac

A nurse has died of Covid-19 a week after getting her first dose of the Sinovac vaccine, with a doctor saying she wouldn’t have built up enough immunity in that time. 45 year old Uraiwan Chantharaplin died at Rajavithi Hospital in Bangkok, with the death confirmed by Samutsakhon Hospital where she worked.
The Bangkok Post reports that on July 25, Uraiwan developed a fever, sore throat, and cough while working on the men’s ward at Samutsakhon Hospital. She took a Covid-19 test which came back positive the following day, according to the hospital director, Dr Anukul Thaithanan. She was admitted to the hospital on July 27 and had to be put on a respirator and placed in intensive care. On July 30, she was moved to Bangkok’s Rajavithi Hospital and died there 2 days later.
It’s understood the nurse’s death came less than a week after she received her first dose of Sinovac, which Anukul says would not have been enough time for her to build up immunity. According to the doctor, Uraiwan is the first healthcare worker to die of Covid-19 at the hospital, although around 200 others have been sick with the virus.
The efficacy of the Chinese Sinovac vaccine has been called into question recently, with a Thammasat University study showing that antibodies drop by 50% every 40 days after 2 doses of the vaccine. The head of the intensive care unit at Bangkok’s Vichaiyut Hospital has called on the government to stop buying the vaccine until it’s been re-formulated to be more effective against variants. The highly-contagious Delta variant is now the dominant strain in the country.
Today, Thailand has reported another 18,901 new cases and 147 deaths. The Kingdom has now had 652,185 infections and 5,315 deaths since the start of the pandemic.
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SOURCE: Bangkok Post