8.3% of Thailand’s 50 million vaccine target reached so far

Thailand has set a goal of 50 million people vaccinated against Covid-19, and as of today, they have given at least one vaccine to 8.3% of that target. The spokesperson for the Centre for Covid-19 Situation Administration announced that since beginning vaccinations in Thailand on February 28, 5.66 million injections have been administered.
On Thursday, 223,315 vaccines were given around the country. That brought the overall total to 8.3% of the target receiving their first vaccine, while 3% have now been fully vaccinated, having received both doses of the Covid-19 vaccine. That’s 4.14 million first vaccines and 1.52 million people who are fully vaccinated.
The 50 million person vaccine target is based on Thailand’s total population of 66.18 million people. There are also an estimated 3 million foreigners living in Thailand. 50 million vaccinated people would be just over the 70% threshold needed in order for Thailand to achieve herd immunity.
Looking at specific demographics within the people who received vaccines already, Thailand has been successful in vaccinating its medical personnel. All medical staff have received at least one vaccine and 85.4% are fully vaccinated. Also, 174,193 people have received vaccines at their contracted hospitals as members of the Social Security Fund.
For local health volunteers, 21.6% have had one jab and 9.3% have finished both doses. In the case of those with the 7 chronic illnesses that have been designated as high-risk for Covid-19 infection, 8.8% have had 1 shot and 1.5% have had 2 jabs making them fully vaccinated.
Only 5.2% of people over 60 years old have had one vaccine and a measly 0.2% are fully vaccinated. That figure is actually very close to the general population figures, where 5.4% of people have had their first injection and 1.5% have had 2 injections and are fully vaccinated.
SOURCE: Bangkok Post