US News

Missing cat at Yellowstone Park found 1,450 km away, reunited

Lost cat travells almost 1,500 kilometres solo, now reunited with owners

A grey cat named Rayne Beau, known for his adventures at the beach and lake, embarked on an unexpected solo journey, travelling hundreds of kilometres from Yellowstone National Park Wyoming to California, after it went missing.

Rayne Beau became lost in Yellowstone National Park during a camping trip in June with his owners, Benny and Susanne Anguiano.


The cat fled into the trees near Fishing Bridge RV Park after getting startled. Despite searching for four days, the couple had to leave Yellowstone on June 8, devastated but hopeful.

Two months later, they received a message from a microchip company saying their cat had been found at the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) in Roseville, California, nearly 1,450 kilometres (900 miles) from where he had disappeared and just 320 km from their home in Salinas.

A woman in Roseville had noticed Rayne Beau wandering the streets, fed him, and trapped him before taking him to the SPCA on August 3.

The Anguianos drove to Roseville the next day and found their cat had lost 6 pounds and suffered from beaten paws and malnutrition. Despite his condition, they believe Rayne Beau made most of the trek on his own, driven by a desire to return home. The couple is still trying to understand how their cat travelled such a long distance.


Since the ordeal, they have microchipped their pets and equipped them with GPS trackers. Though their cats love travelling, Benny Anguiano said the family is not ready for another trip anytime soon. To help Rayne Beau adjust, they plan to ease back into camping by practising in their driveway.

What Other Media Are Saying
  • The Guardian reported that Rayne Beau’s incredible journey back home after two months showcases the resilience of pets and the importance of microchipping. (Read more).
  • NBC News sees the remarkable tale of Rayne Beau as emphasising the unpredictability of animal behaviour. They see his journey to be a reminder for pet owners about safety measures. (Read more)
Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some common questions asked about this news

How did Rayne Beau get lost?

Rayne Beau, the cat went missing after being startled and running into the trees during a camping trip in Yellowstone National Park back in June.

How long was Rayne Beau missing?

Rayne Beau was missing for two months before being found nearly 1,450 kilometres away in Roseville, California.

How was Rayne Beau found?

A woman spotted Rayne Beau wandering in Roseville, trapped him, and took him to the local SPCA, where his microchip was scanned.

What condition was Rayne Beau in when found?

Rayne Beau lost 6 pounds, had beaten paws, and suffered from malnutrition, indicating he was likely travelling on his own.

How are Rayne Beau’s owners preventing this from happening again?

Rayne Beau now has a GPS tracker, and his owners plan to practice camping at home to ease him back into travelling.

Jamie Cartwright

"Jamie is a keen traveler, writer, and (English) teacher. A few years after finishing school in the East Mids, UK, he went traveling around South America and Asia. Several teaching and writing jobs, he found himself at The Thaiger where he mostly covers international news and events. "

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