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Man captures UFO on video in Montana leaving wife in tears

UFO sighting in Montana town sparks emotional response and Reddit buzz

A man in a small Montana town captured a video of an Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) and shared the surprising footage on Reddit, which left his wife in tears.

The video, recorded between 10:10 and 10:15 pm on Friday, shows a blinking object streaking across the clear night sky. The craft, described as spinning and adorned with rotating lights, flew over Choteau, a town with just over 1,700 residents.

The original poster detailed how he and his wife initially thought the object was a meteor. This sighting adds to Montana’s reputation as a hotspot for UFO activity, with numerous significant sightings documented.

On Reddit, the user PoneThePoon wrote about their experience. He described how he and his wife were stargazing when his wife pointed out what she thought was a shooting star. However, after moving to get a better view, they realised it was something else entirely.

The poster recounted their astonishment and how they rushed into the yard for a better view. He shared three clips showing a distant, rotating light and part of the craft. The sighting lasted a few minutes before the object disappeared without a sound, leaving his wife emotional.

After securing photos and videos on his wife’s Galaxy Fold 4, he attempted to do the same on his Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra, but the phone died. Using his wife’s phone, he took numerous zoomed-in photos and videos, expressing satisfaction with the results despite the distance.

He dismissed the possibility that the craft was a Starlink satellite, noting the object’s rotating and blinking lights differed from the static line of lights typical of Starlink satellites. The experience left him unable to sleep until 4 am, especially as he had to care for their twin boys.

We saw a UFO on Friday night for about 2-3 minutes, photos, videos, and wife cried after

The Reddit post quickly gained attention, receiving over 3,200 upvotes in less than a day. Commenters praised the footage and urged the poster to keep copies to prevent it from disappearing.

Commenters expressed fascination and suggested sharing the footage on other platforms. The origins and nature of the craft remain unknown, and no additional reports of the sighting have emerged.

Montana is known for frequent UFO activity, potentially due to its sparse population and vast plains. Notable incidents include the 1950 sighting of two spinning disks over Great Falls and the 1960s sightings over Minuteman missile silos, where armed nuclear missiles were inexplicably deactivated.

The US Air Force allegedly ordered silence on these events, as detailed in Joan Bird’s book “Montana UFO’s and Extraterrestrials.”

What Other Media Are Saying
  • UFOs and Extraterrestrials in Montana presents a compelling case that UFOs are real, have frequently visited Montana, and have landed in the state, drawing on declassified government documents and firsthand interviews. (read more)
  • BBC News provides an overview of the Pentagon’s release of three declassified videos showcasing unexplained aerial phenomena, including footage of hovering and spinning objects, with no explanation found for dozens of sightings by military pilots. (read more)
  • CBS News reports on the shift from UFOs to UAPs, highlighting renewed government and public interest in unexplained aerial phenomena, with no evidence of extraterrestrial involvement. (read more)
Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some common questions asked about this news

What did the man in Montana see in the sky?

He saw a blinking craft with rotating lights streaking across the night sky.

Why did his wife cry after seeing the UFO?

She was shaken by the sight and experience, leading her to tears.

Was the object confirmed to be a UFO?

No, the origins and nature of the craft remain unknown.

What did people on Reddit think of the video?

Commenters were impressed and suggested saving and sharing the footage.

Is Montana known for UFO sightings?

Yes, Montana is considered a hotspot for UFO activity with many documented sightings.

Sarah Lerman

Sarah is originally from Southern California She studied journalism before dropping out of college to teach English in South America. After returning to the US, he spent 4 years working for various online publishers

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