Thaiger app sending you too many notifications? Quick fix here

We all hate it when our phone buzzes and the endorphins start firing, only for the excitement to be crushed as you realise it’s just a notification for an article about Tuk Tuk drivers having a fight somewhere off the Sukhumvit Road! Too many notifications can be really frustrating, which is why The Thaiger App lets you disable them and re-enable them at the click of a button (or two). All you need to do is find the Settings button in the bottom-right of the screen, click that, and toggle off the Receive Push Notifications option – all done in less than 5 seconds.

Thaiger app sending you too many notifications? Quick fix here | News by Thaiger



A Work in Progress

The Thaiger App very much remains a work in progress as we fix issues and improve features, so please bear with us and do let us know if you ever encounter any problems. Some, we’re aware of and currently in the process of fixing, such as the Android issue where some headlines link to the wrong article – this is almost fixed.

We’ll always welcome your feedback, whether something’s broken and not working as expected, or it’s something you think we should include that we don’t currently have. Just remember though, our sole intention for the app is to deliver the news to your mobile phone in a cleaner, more convenient way. We’re not quite ready to implement any groundbreaking tech enhancements just yet!

To send your feedback, stay on the Settings page and scroll down a little, there you’ll see an option that says Send feedback on the app, click and it’ll open an email window (assuming you have email on your phone). Here you can tell us what you think.

We hope you found this article helpful and we really appreciate your support and your patience! If you haven’t downloaded our mobile app yet, you’ll find the links below for iOS and Android.


Thai Life


If you have story ideas, a restaurant to review, an event to cover or an issue to discuss, contact The Thaiger editorial staff.

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