Government House

  • Thailand News

    Thai PM receives 3 finger salutes for his birthday from “well – wishers”

    Thailand’s PM is celebrating his birthday with “well – wishers” displaying the 3 finger salute to his motorcade. The pro-democracy demonstrators didn’t hold back their displays of discontent as his motorcade made its way to the Government House. The Dern Thalu Fah, or Walk Through the Sky, demonstration group used loud speakers as they shouted, “Prayut, get out! Down with…

  • Thailand Protest News

    Police say they’re well prepared for this afternoon’s anti-government protest

    An anti-government rally is planned for today, scheduled to start around 4pm. Police say they have taken steps to ensure that no laws are broken and that the rally remains peaceful. Some 15 companies of what are reported to be crowd control police will be deployed at the Royal Plaza. Rally organisers have already foreshadowed they intend to march to an…

  • Thailand video news

    Thailand News Today | State of Emergency lifted, Quarantine latest, Phuket Light Rail | October 22

    Today’s latest news and information about Thailand. Like and subscribe to our YouTube channel too. Go on, right now 🙂 You can also LIKE our Facebook page to get even more information about Thailand. Government lifts Bangkok’s State of Emergency Bangkok’s State of Emergency has been lifted, according to a statement published in the Royal Gazette, making it official.…

  • Thailand Protest News

    Bangkok in “State of Emergency” for 1 month, PM warns about possible curfew

    For the next month, Bangkok will be in a “State of Emergency” with a ban on public gatherings of more than 5 people. If protests persist and get out of hand, PM Prayut Chan-o-cha has warned today that the government will invoke a nightly curfew, prohibiting people from leaving their homes during certain hours. It should be said, that even…

  • Thailand Protest News

    UPDATE: Bangkok under a State of Emergency, protests ‘cleared’, 20+ arrested,

    Bangkok awakes to a State of Emergency, imposed at 4am to quell the growing support of the latest protest movement. The Thai government has used its emergency decree powers to impose a “State of Emergency” in Bangkok, and placed a ban on gatherings of any more than 5 people. The tough new security laws, put in place early this morning,…

  • Thailand Protest News

    Police stop protesters as they march towards Government House in Bangkok – PHOTOS

    Protesters started their march from the Democracy Monument on Rajdamnoen Avenue toward the Government House around 3pm today. But they were barred from passing an intersection for an hour. They were prevented from passing the Panfah Lilas intersection where police had set up a blockade and had hundreds of police there to enforce the blacking of the intersection. The police…

  • Thailand Protest News

    Protest leader Arnon calls impromptu demo to push for release of activists

    Anti-government protest leader Arnon Nampa took to social media yesterday to call on fellow activists to assemble at the Bangkok Art and Culture Centre for a pre-protest protest. They are demanding the release of 21 arrested protesters who were rounded up by police yesterday whilst setting up for today’s scheduled rally around the Democracy Monument. In a live broadcast on…

  • Thailand Protest News

    Students choose Thammasat University for September 19 protests without permission

    Students protesters are moving forward with rally plans for this Saturday, September 19, at Bangkok’s Thammasat University Tha Prachan campus, despite failing to get permission from university administration. The campus has been chosen before for such rallies and some students are reportedly threatening to break into the campus if they have to. The United Front of Thammasat and Demonstration Group…

  • Bangkok News

    Protest calling on Thai Head of State reform set for September 19

    Pro-democracy activists are planning a 2 day protest in Bangkok to call for Thai Monarchy reform and demand democracy. They’re calling it… “September 19: Return the power to civilians” (translated). Activists plan to gather at Thammasat University’s Tha Prachan campus at 2pm on September 19, camp out for the night and then march to the Government House at 8am the…

  • Bangkok News

    4 motorbikes catch fire outside Government House in Bangkok

    4 motorbikes have mysteriously caught fire in a car park outside Government House in Bangkok. A report in Nation Thailand says the incident took place outside the Secretariat of the Prime Minister’s Building, with the fire quickly put out and no injuries reported. Police from Bangkok’s Dusit Station arrived swiftly, accompanied by fire trucks from Samsen Fire Station. However, the…

  • Bangkok News

    Protesters start a hunger strike out the front of Government House

    A group calling themselves the New Life Network is staging a hunger strike at the front of Government House, again calling for PM Prayut Chan-o-Cha to stand down and dissolve parliament. They are complaining that the economy is getting worse and that the gap between Thailand’s rich and poor is widening. They say the situation has deteriorated since the military…

  • Covid-19 News

    Confirmed Covid-19 infected Government House official

    Yesterday, Dr Thaweesin Wissanuyothin, the spokesman for the centre announced that “a health official who coordinated between the Covid-19 response centre at Government House and the Public Health Ministry is confirmed to be infected with the virus.” Thaweesin, said that the official was only a coordinator and was not involved in the treatment of people infected with the virus. “The…

  • Northern Thailand News

    Government officials wear black today, Korat residents grieve

    Thailand’s cabinet ministers and officials at Government House will be wearing black clothing today as the Kingdom wakes to the first full work day since the Korat massacre – a mass shooting that has left at least 30 people dead, including the gunman. Government officials will officially mourn the innocent people killed in the north-eastern province of Nakhon Ratchasima and…