Former hotel manager’s chilling advice: Don’t forget your toothbrush

Photo courtesy of KhaoSod.

A former hotel manager sent a chilling warning to travellers, suggesting they should never leave their toothbrushes out of sight in the bathroom during their hotel stay. The cautionary hotel hygiene advice has elicited mixed reactions amongst social media users. Many admitted that this possibility isn’t something they had considered.

An overseas website reported that Mellie, a former hotel manager who has since become a TikTok influencer, informed her followers that they shouldn’t leave their toothbrushes in the hotel bathroom when they’re out of their room, particularly if they’ve previously behaved poorly towards hotel staff.


A stomach-turning reason was touted behind her advice. She claimed to have heard of problematic hotel guests’ toothbrushes being used to clean certain parts of the bathroom by the housekeeping staff, an act most would find repugnant raising serious concerns about hotel hygiene.

Mellie pressed her hotel hygiene argument further by maintaining that one’s toothbrush should be securely stowed to avoid such scenarios. She confirmed she had never indulged in such actions, and if she found any of her staff involved in such poor hotel hygiene actions, they’d be swiftly dismissed.

Regardless, Mellie frequently shares tips and alerts based on her work experiences that often leave her audience gobsmacked. This recent revelation caused a fair amount of anxiety amongst web users with many voicing their appreciation for Mellie’s useful alert reported KhaoSod.

People’s comments varied from, “I’ve been travelling for several years, and I’ve never thought about this. Thank you very much,” to more affirmative responses such as “I always pack my toothbrush away,” and “Oh, God, thank you for sharing this.”

Meanwhile, another hospitality professional expressed surprise at the rumour, stating, “During the years I’ve worked as a housekeeper, I’ve never known anyone doing that. I never touched anyone’s personal belongings.”


Mellie’s latest hotel hygiene insight has sparked both gratitude and apprehension amongst travellers, once again throwing light on the uncertainties one may encounter while lodging at hotels.

World News

Nattapong Westwood

Nattapong Westwood is a Bangkok-born writer who is half Thai and half Aussie. He studied in an international school in Bangkok and then pursued journalism studies in Melbourne. Nattapong began his career as a freelance writer before joining Thaiger. His passion for news writing fuels his dedication to the craft, as he consistently strives to deliver engaging content to his audience.

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