Tablet reveals affair: Taiwanese man sues wife and her colleague over intimate photos

A Taiwanese man recently filed a lawsuit against his wife and her female colleague after discovering intimate photographs of the two on his wife’s tablet. The news report from the Taiwanese outlet CTWANT described the man’s astonishment when he came across the explicit images while preparing the device for his child’s use in school. The husband subsequently sued the pair for emotional distress, seeking damages of 600,000 yuan (about 3 million Thai Baht).
As per the lawsuit details, the Taiwanese couple married in November 2013, and they have two sons together. However, the husband later discovered that his wife was maintaining an affair with her female colleague, who also worked at the same hospital. Evidence was presented in the form of photographs showing the two women on holiday together, holding hands, and even kissing. According to the husband, these various forms of close contact indicated a breach of their marital rights and caused him emotional anguish, which prompted him to sue for the above-mentioned amount.
During the court hearing, the wife claimed that the photographs were uploaded without her consent and that her Taiwanese husband accessed her tablet computer without permission. Moreover, she said the husband had read and copied the images from her cloud album. By doing so, the wife alleged that her husband had violated her right to privacy and that the content could not be used as evidence in court. She added that she and the woman in question were just “close friends” at work. Their actions, such as holding hands, kissing, exchanging endearments, and other behaviours, were presented as being within normal bounds, and they asserted that there was no sexual relationship between them, thus not impinging on the marriage’s integrity.
Nevertheless, after examining the evidence provided by the husband, the presiding judge concluded that several instances of kissing between the wife and the other woman exceeded what could be considered a normal friendship. Furthermore, the intimate conversations the pair shared, such as “My husband, I love you,” were judged as closer than typical same-sex friendships. The wife failed to furnish any definitive proof to counter these findings.
Consequently, the judge rejected the wife’s arguments and ruled that both the wife and her colleague had violated the husband’s marital rights. The court ordered the pair to pay the Taiwanese husband a sum of 120,000 Yuan (about 600,000 Thai Baht) in compensation for the emotional distress caused.