Pending bill to name NYC neighbourhood ‘Little Thailand’

Thailand is continuing to make its mark far beyond the kingdom’s borders. New York City’s city council has approved a bill to name one neighbourhood ‘Little Thailand.’ The neighbourhood, located in the borough of Queens, is already called this name informally, as it has several Thai restaurants and businesses. The council member who sponsored the bill, Shekar Krishnan, said…
“The small businesses that are there and the events that are held there, really reflect the beauty and the energy of our Thai community not just of Jackson Heights and Elmhurst, but across Queens and throughout our city.”
The bill proposed names for other neighbourhoods as well, based on large ethnic communities that live there. These include Little Bangladesh in Brooklyn, and Ukrainian Way, also in Brooklyn. Now that the bill has been approved by the city council, it will go to Mayor Eric Adam’s desk for approval.
The Facebook page Little Thailand NY has posted several photos showing the neighbourhood’s vibrancy and strong connection to Thai culture. Photos from May show people dressed in traditional Thai costumes for Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month.
The only other Thai neighbourhood in the US that is officially recognised in its name is ‘Thai Town’ in Los Angeles. The neighbourhood was designated under this name in 1999 by Los Angeles City Council. Now that ‘Little Thailand’ is a possibility, it seems that Thai Americans are proudly spreading their heritage across the US.
SOURCE: Bangkok Post | Pix 11 | NBC News