Dewan Rakyat Speaker rebukes MP over Littoral Combat Ship motion

Dewan Rakyat Speaker Johari Abdul criticised Muda Muar MP Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman for misrepresenting the former’s rejection of a motion to discuss the Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) issue in Parliament. Johari claimed that Syed Saddiq was insincere in his criticism, as he did not reveal the reason provided by the Speaker for the decision.

Johari explained that his written response to Syed Saddiq clearly stated why the motion was not accepted. He said, “I informed him that the Ministry of Defence is required to present a progress report on the construction of the LCS project every three months to the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) until this project is completed. The PAC has also decided to visit Lumut (Perak) to conduct further investigation, which means the PAC has made a decision; why should we talk about it further? Wait for the PAC report, and after that, we can discuss… I will allow it but after the PAC report is completed.”

Earlier in Parliament, Syed Saddiq had expressed his dissatisfaction over the rejection, claiming that a letter he received from the Speaker’s office stated that the matter was “not a matter of public interest” and “not urgent”. He also asked the Speaker to reconsider the decision.

Johari reminded parliamentarians that he was only exercising his authority based on Standing Orders that were authored by those among them. “I only enforce what is contained in these (the Standing Orders and Federal Constitution). So, when I make a decision, I am guided by these two documents, so it is not fair for Muar and other people as well; if you want to fight among yourselves, I don’t care, but don’t attack the Speaker and my deputies,” Johari added.

He also emphasised that as the Speaker of Parliament, he was duty-bound to ensure the government’s business was prioritised ahead of other matters. “So, don’t fight with the Speaker, it’s not worth it and that’s not the way. I ask that Muar correct this, now as I am speaking, the public is watching; Muar, correct it don’t be unfair. If you want to play politics, go ahead, but don’t play politics with me because I’m not a politician now, I’m a Speaker of the House,” Johari said.

World News

Lee Shuyi

Lee is an expat writer living in Thailand. She specialises in Southeast Asian news for the Thaiger. When she's not writing, Lee enjoys immersing herself in Thai culture and learning Thai.

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